Chapter 11: Do I Really Want To Do This Again?

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"Is Anna here right now?" Elena noticed as Jer continued to throw glances to the empty seat.

"No, no. I'm going to go, uh, check my work schedule" with those stutters Jer stood and entered the Grill, I glared as the door closed, but was interrupted by an un-needed voice.

"Hey, guys. Who forgot to invite me to the family summit?" Stefan took Jer's previous seat.

"Sorry, I thought you'd be too busy fixing your hair or something--completely my fault" I pulled his attention to me as Elena moved to put the journal back in her bag, he wasn't distracted enough and picked it up.

"Wow. All these words. I forgot how much I used to care. Reminds me a little of you, Kat" he looked up, I caught his gaze. "How you poured your heart out to me in your pathetic little letters, all you shared with me, how much you cared about me."

"Care. Present tense. I haven't stopped Stefan, I'm just disappointed that emotionless you isn't as fun as the one described in your journals" I tutted. He stopped his own reply when he caught Elena staring at him with an unreadable expression, I'm her twin and still haven't got a clue what that look means.

Stefan sighed and put the journal back on the table, not looking the slightest bit bothered by what he was about to say. "You know, Elena, it's probably best you not torture yourself with memories from the past. It's best we both just move on and accept things as they are."

"You don't have to be here, Stefan" Ric cut in as Elena stared at the table in confusion, what's she confused about?

"You know what, Alaric, you're right. I don't. Ahem. But Kat's here, and I look out for Kat. Besides, there's going to be people everywhere tonight. So there's going to be lots to eat" I rolled my eyes at his forced attempt to make us uncomfortable. Elena--unlike me--thought he was as serious as the old Stefan and glared at him. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding" he chuckled with a large smile and stood. "Loosen up" he squeezed Elena's arm before walking away, glancing back at me before he got far enough.

"I can't drop it, Ric" Elena's determined voice pulled me from my stare off and I stood. "Where are you going?" Elena gave me a weary look, I rolled my eyes.

"The restroom, do you need an essay on why or can I go without you checking the CCTV in the grill?" I rolled my eyes at her glare before making my way inside the grill, I frowned when I didn't see Jer by the back and headed for the restroom. Might as well check my make-up since I walked in here. Entering the restroom I did a little jump. "Jeremy?!" the pair in front of me stopped lip locking and looked at me in shock.



K- How do we do that?

C- Apparently the old witch can draw power from this side because of her talisman.

K- Talisman...(Then It Clicked)...Blondie's necklace?

C- It's some ju-ju power source. And I know you're not going to like this, but Bonnie needs to destroy it.

K- It's fine, Elena won't be too annoyed if I say it's to save us all. Oh, and guess what?

C- What?

K- I just walked in on Jeremy kissing the reason I'm even more ok with that. (I Glared At Him As He Gave Me A 'Really' Look)

C- What?! Are you kidding?

K- I wish. Look, I don't have the necklace on me, it should be in my room. I'll call you right back and we can head down there.

The Gilbert Twins: Back From The Dead (TVD FANFIC) 2/3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang