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All for y'all. I'm going to bed now. 😊


"So you're just going to leave me here all alone?" Julie whined as Kylee slipped on her heels.

"You're not alone, you have Kamera." She kissed her cheek.

"Well, be back home by twelve."

"Yes, my queen." Kylee playfully rolled her eyes as we left the house.

My mom wanted Hunter and Rose to stay with her for the night so I took that as my chance to go out. Of course Julie can't because she almost six months pregnant so it's just me and Kylee.

"Don't get drunk because you know how you are. That's how Rosaline got here."

"I'm not."


"K-Kylee...the bartender won't give me nothing else." I slurred my words.

"Because you're drunk. How much did you drink?"

"I had four long islands." I held up two fingers. "And....five shots of Hennessy."

She shook her head, grabbing my hand.

"I don't want to go." I whined as she dragged me out the club.

"I have to go home. Julie says she isn't feeling well." She said.

"But I don't." I snatched from her and walked back inside.

She left but a few moments into me dancing on some random guy I was snatched away.

"What the hell are you doing!" Demitri yelled over the loud music.

"W-what are you doing here?" I hiccuped.

"Kylee called me. Come on." He grabbed my hand, leading me to the exit.

I tried to pull from him, but he threw me over his shoulder and put me in the car.

"Why would you get drunk when you know how you are?" He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration as he pulled off.

"I'm sorry." I giggled unintentionally. "Are you mad at me?"

I rested my hand on his belt buckle and he tensed up.

"Stop that." He moved my hand.

"Why?" I smirked while returning my hand back to its original spot.


"What? Y-you weren't acting like this the other night."

"You were sober." He moved my hand once again.

"What's the difference." I stuck my hand down his pants making him swerve a little.

"Reina, I don't want to take advantage of you." He removed my hand for the third time so I huffed and sat back in my seat.


"That's what your dumb ass get." Demitri passed me a bottle of advil.

"Shut up." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You know, I saw something interesting last night. Your phone kept vibrating and it was a message from Tyler. So I'm trying to figure out what Tyler because I know you're not texting the sick son of a bitch that left that scar on your face." He pointed at my cheek causing me to absent-mindedly cover it.

A Likely Pair |Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now