Chapter 1

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*Author's note*
Thank you for clicking onto my story! I hope you'll enjoy reading this first chapter, because there's much more to come. I'll be uploading a new chapter every Tuesday&Friday, so stay patient!
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Chelsea's POV:

The microwave went off sending three loud beeps into the air. The third beep was barely done before I yanked the see-through door open and quickly took out the hot porcelain plate and put it on the kitchen counter.

"Ow! Ow!" I attempted to mumble with an open moth as I aggressively fanned my mouth with my hands. Being preoccupied with the fact that my dad was once again home late, I didn't put in mind that the left-over lasagna was burning hot from being in the microwave.

The cold, smooth liquid almost had a healing effect on my burnt tongue as I let the milk rest there for a second. God damn that lasagna was hot... I had burnt my tongue on hot chocolate, but never on lasagna.

It was pretty dark outside and I was rather glad that my dad had made lasagna yesterday so that I'd be able to warm some for today, in case he'd be home late. Which he was. My dad was often home late. Being the chief of police was a burdensome job, which often meant being home late. I know he only took the job to be able to provide enough for me. You know, with school fees and all. Personally I thought my dad was doing a pretty good job being alone. Maybe because I'm not a little girl anymore?

He had a tough time after my mom left. So did I, but I knew I wanted to stay here with my dad in Oakland, Maryland.

Oakland is a pretty small town. Nothing too exciting ever happens here, even my dad says so. Yet still I think my dad gets a thrill every once in a while when they catch minors drinking near the woods, because that tends to happen.

I'd love to say I've had my fair share of dumb teenage-mistakes such as drinking and trespassing. Sneaking out at night to hang out with a boy or your friends, but to be honest... none of that had happened to me.
First of all: having your dad be the chief of police in town didn't exactly grant many invites to all the "fun".
Secondly: my dad would always tell me scare-stories about teenagers getting caught or getting in horrible accidents for driving drunk after sneaking out of their homes at night to have "fun".


"I'm home!" The voice of my dad rang from the entree and through the narrow corridors of the small house we lived in. I was sat at the dining table. "Did you eat yet honey?" He kissed my hair in a fatherly way. A small 'mhm' left my mouth as I smiled up at him and nodded. "I left some lasagna for you," I informed with a smile on my face as my dad made his way to the kitchen.

"How was work?" I asked as he sat down in front of me with a plate full of heated lasagna, "be careful, that's warm!" I exclaimed before he shoved some lasagna into his mouth. He made a small grimace, but that was it.

"Work was okay," he said as he started chewing on the hot food in his mouth. "We got a tip about some... distribution of drugs here in Oakland. We suspect it's related to some of the organized crime activity in DC."

Drugs? In Oakland? Oakland is a small town, why would anyone sell drugs here? There would hardly be anyone to sell to, right? I thought to myself as I furrowed my brows at my dad's words. "Isn't that risky? I mean Oakland is so small. Word gets around pretty quick," I questioned as I flipped the page of my homework. My dad shrugged a little, "well we think it's been going on for quite a while so... apparently not." He replies and focuses on his food. Something was bothering him about this drug distribution tip. Probably the fact that it could be related to some organized crime in DC. Organized crime was not what we needed in little Oakland.


I was glad to finally taste the minty freshness of the toothpaste as I let the hard bristles of the toothbrush scrub lazily against my teeth. It was getting late and I found myself being rather tired by now. Early up in the morning, straight home after school to do my homework and take care of the house while my dad was at work. That was the least I could do for him since it was just him and I now. My mom used to take care of those things, but she left Oakland a couple years ago and moved to New York. Something about wanting to live properly. I didn't see how life was more proper in a big city, but if that was how she felt, I was no going to try to stop her. I remember she begged me to come with her, but I wasn't going to leave my dad by himself.

When I was done brushing my teeth I went to the living room where my dad laid casually on the couch watching whatever television show was playing. "Dad, are you gonna be home late tomorrow?" I asked with a smile on my face. "I think so," he sighed and shuffled a bit in the couch, "we're gonna be digging a lot farther into this whole drug thing. Try to dig up some information from our source... see if we can get some names." He continued and shuffled a little more. He seemed rather uneasy about this whole thing.

"Okay," I nodded and replied as I smiled a little. "I'm going to Alissa's after school tomorrow. We have to work on our chemistry project." He nodded and mumbled an 'okay' in my direction with a little exhausted smile on his face after being at work for so many hours.

I hugged him goodnight before retiring to my bedroom and deciding to leave him by himself so he could rest. At least he didn't have to clean or anything, that was already taken care of.

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