84. Interview

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Where Is Addie Going After Captain America: Civil War?

Hi Addie! You look lovely as always and your pictures came out beautiful!

Thank you! Means so much.

So, let's dive in! What's happening in your life right this very moment?!

This interview! *laughs* No, but yeah, right now things are okay. I just finished filming season 2 of The Flash, which airs in October on CW! It was great working with everyone and I'm very grateful to be apart of DC even just for a little.

Have any plans for now that you're done with filming?

I do have to go film next month for Civil War, which comes out next year! After that, who knows what will happen. Maybe a little break- longer than the break I'm going on right now. *laughs*

How long is your current break? What will Addie Singer do to enjoy her time off?

I will have October and November off. I'll be going back to LA and just enjoying my time off. Get my family done from New York. Spend time with friends and just relax and have fun before work happens again!

Sounds really great! Hope you enjoy your time off. Now, the person who took these photos is a dear friend of yours, also now becoming a quite famous photographer!

Yes! Her name is Sophie Anne! She's really amazing at what she does and I'm so proud of her. I'm lucky to know her and my other close friend who also does photography! Which reminds me, I need to set up more photo shoots with him.

And who will that be?

His name is Tyler Gustin! He's my best friend's brother (Grant Gustin) who happens to be my close friends with me as well. Need to put his name out there- he's great at what he does.

Any love interests in your real life and not on screen?

Of course. But, I won't say. Things can be complicated and easy at the same time- so basically complex.

You have short hair in some pictures and longer in some!

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You have short hair in some pictures and longer in some!

That's beauty of extensions and clip ins! Love my short hair! It's got longer and darker, but I think it's time for yet again another hair cut!

That's beauty of extensions and clip ins! Love my short hair! It's got longer and darker, but I think it's time for yet again another hair cut!

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These pictures are really beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for sharing the photos! We all here wish you a great break, and and very relaxing vacation! We cannot wait for Civil War!

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These pictures are really beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and thanks for sharing the photos! We all here wish you a great break, and and very relaxing vacation! We cannot wait for Civil War!

No thank you! Love you all here!


❤️ ugh she's so pretty it makes me feel like I'm a pizza. (Which I am LMAO)

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