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"Darling hold me in your arms the way you did that night."

Third POV

Grant and Addie were finally just going to their sushi date. Addie had forgotten all about the plans since Sebastian came for a visit up in Canada on her break from filming the flash.

Grant had felt left out and a little bit jealous. Well, he couldn't stop feeling that way, even if he did have a girlfriend. It was his best friend that he knew for so long- she was going to get married and he'd never have a chance with her.

Not even once.

Until they had to finally return to filming.

"Grant! Missed you buddy." Carlos entered Grant's trailer and gave him a hug.

"Missed you! It's been three weeks, though." Grant laughed.

"When is Malia coming around to chill with all of us?" Carlos asked excited.

"Oh yeah, well-"

They both looked to the door and saw Addie and Candace walking in, as Addie yelled out, "Knock knock!"

"Addie!" Carlos smiled and stood up to hug her. "Oh, congratulations to you and Sebastian! I'll have to meet him sometime."

"He's coming by today before he leaves. You all can meet him- except for Grant. They've met a bunch of times." Addie smiled.

"Is Malia coming by any day?" Candace asked Grant.

"Oh yeah, we were just about to discuss it. She might be coming in a couple days to stay with me for a little break from her show." Grant explained.

"That's great! I can't wait to meet her." Candace spoke.

"Yeah, me too." Addie said, faking her smile. She felt terrible. She was engaged and loved Sebastian, but she was jealous and really liked Grant for the longest.

But, seeing that he was with someone, and now that she was engaged, she seemed to try and push her feelings away for Grant to not hurt anyone or herself.

Both of them had no idea that they both liked each other for years. Which was odd, because they've always done things that weren't so casual between best friends; cuddling, dates, and things that best friends don't do occasionally...

After filming a scene between Grant's character, Barry, and Addie's, Addie had taken Grant's wrist and started pulling him into her trailer.

Pushing him in, she shut the door and locked it.

"Okay, is this the day you're finally going to kill me?" Grant laughed.

"Our sushi date..." Addie began. "I'm so sorry I forgot couple weeks ago. I just- after Seb proposed my mind has been somewhere else."

"Adds, it's okay I guess-"

"No, Grant. We are best friends and I love you a lot, okay? So I figured, we could have our little sushi date here." Addie said, while walking to the mini fridge and taking out four sushi take out trays and put it on the table.

"Wow, you've outdone yourself." Grant laughed.

"Haha, thanks."

The night consisted of eating sushi and talking about so much, like the show and shows they've watched lately and the movies that were going to come out soon.

"I'm so tired." Addie yawned.

"Oh yeah same. First day back and they give you and I both stunts." Grant tiredly laughed.

It was around midnight or so, and both didn't realize the time.

"Let's just listen to music and lay down and talk like we always used to do." Addie suggested.

Grant was happy she suggested this. It could feel like old times, and they were finally hanging out alone again, without any interruptions.

They both cuddled up together and listened to one of Grant's playlist and closed their eyes.

"We see each other every day now, but I just miss you, a lot." He admitted, playing with Addie's hair, as she laid on his chest, poking lightly with her pointer finger.

"I miss you."

Grant's POV

oh man im in deep shit

what's going on?

Addie. I just- ugh man I like her

You mean love?



I see the way you look at
her man 😩 you're in LOVE

but she's engaged, Grant

I know... I know.
I have Malia now. I guess my
chance won't ever happen so

Engaged ain't married.
plus, who knows when
they will ever get married.
they're both in marvel movies
and have hectic schedules.

Just don't give up bro.
but if you don't like or love
Malia, I suggest you do
something now before later
And before one of you gets hurt

Especially Malia. She's a good

I guess so, Los.

I'm serious. Don't give up.


just a small ass shitty chapter 😩😩 but the ending is lowkey cute 💖
And Carlos and grants conversation!! the office's Jim and Pam heavily inspired this plot in a way PLUS that line Carlos said to Grant, was a Michael quote in season 2 of TO, on the booze cruise, where Michael tells jim to never give up 😭❤️ look where that got Jim later in the seasons 😉

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