43. Real Life pt1

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Addie's POV

The whole cast of The Flash, including Lizzie, Chris(Evans), Scar, Anthony had met Malia, Grants girlfriend, as we all met up at a bar and grill to hang out and get drunk of course.

I kept my distance away from her, and especially Barry. Usually, I was happy and running crazy around the people I loved and who were my very close friends, but tonight was all different.

I stood by the pool table where Lizzie, Candice, Carlos and Anthony were playing a game, as I watched, trying to take my mind off the dancing couple a few feet away from me; Grant and Malia.

"Hey, lighten up kid, have a beer." Chris said, handing me a beer.

"I'm not kid," I laughed. "You're like couple years older than me. I'm twenty five, remember?"

"I know, but everyone younger than me is a kid." He smiled.

I turned my head back to Grant and Malia, who were smiling as they stopped dancing to kiss, and headed towards the bar.

"I talked to him."


"I talked to him," Chris repeated. "Grant. Carols, Anthony and I talked to him about you and Malia and everything. We told him it wasn't fair for him to be in love with you and liking this girl."

"Told him he had to make a choice." Anthony said, joining in on our conversation.

"And he clearly chose her. Especially rejecting me the other day." I said, gulping some beer.

"He loves you- he's in love with you. I think he made that decision a long time ago- but is afraid." Chris said.

"Yeah, Ads. He just keeps denying it because he's afraid. That's the only reason. It has to be." Anthony concluded.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged. "How 'bout them Mets, am I right?"

"Okay, New Yorker, don't change the subject." Anthony said.

"Ah, wings sound good right about now!" I said, scurrying away and grabbing Candice to get some fries and wings at the bar.

"It's gonna be a long night." I said.

"A fun one, okay?" Candice smiled. "Just forget about it for now, and have fun."

part two coming tomorrow night xox

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