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Lizzie & Addie
Addie's POV


hey my girlie
how are you?

i could be better

would u feel better
if we came to visit?


scar and the boys

except Seb..

..yeah yeah i would like it


well, everyone would
be in Vancouver by the

I'm already here in Canada
I could be in Vancouver in less
than a day :)

can you really? I'm really
happy now

thank u

anything for you

where will you be?

staying in my trailer over night

I've got some might scenes to do
with everyone but Grant-
so win win for me


Addie had just finished a scene with Candice, and has been confirmed for a break until she gets called back for another scene but with Danielle and Carlos.

Siting down on her trailer steps, she scrolled through her phone on Instagram and Twitter and answering texts from her mom. Before she could do anything else on her phone, Sebastian's named popped up, as an incoming call.

She hesitated for a few seconds and answered on the fourth ring.

"Addie... You answered." Seb spoke.


"Listen to me, I've made so many mistakes in these past months, past years. And you don't know how terrible I feel, how my fucking heart hurts that I've put you in so much pain-"

"You feel terrible? Your heart hurts? Try being the person who's getting cheating on for the majority of a relationship for three years, Sebastian, then tell me how it feels." Addie spoke, her heart breaking even more and trying not to break down.

"I can't do this, I can't be engaged to you or married, I can't try and try over again just for you to cheat again."

"Addie, baby, no."

"Don't call me that anymore. I don't-"

"Don't do-" Seb cut off Addie, while Addie then cut him off.

"No, don't. I don't want to speak to you, be near you... The only contact we will ever have is for the movies and the press tours. I'm done, Sebastian." Addie hung up, and stood up closing her eyes shut.


Addie shot her head up with her crying eyes and saw Elizabeth with confused eyes, holding two bags.

"What happened?" Lizzie walked toward and hugged her.

"Sebastian is what happened..." She spoke.

"Come on, let's get inside, okay? Lizzie carried her bags and followed Addie to the trailer.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Lizzie asked, after settling down.

"No." Addie answered. "These days keep getting worse and worse every day for me."

"Don't say that."

"Oh but it's true. Seb cheating on me- but hey it wasn't different women! Oh and Grant... My best friend who I've realized I'm in love with, and loves me too, rejected me- his girlfriend his coming to set tomorrow... Meet everyone. And I'm just so fine and dandy!"

"Addie, calm down okay? Please." Lizzie pleaded. "You need to relax."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"We're gonna have fun this weekend okay?" Lizzie said. "We're gonna go out, scar is coming the guys are. We'll finally be meet the Flash cast! It'll be fun."

"Yeah, you're right."

"And just ignore the whole Grant situation for now. You don't need to think about it- even if he's still around. He's still your best friend." Lizzie talked.

Addie smiled. "This is why I love you."

"And so do I." Lizzie laughed. "Okay, come on. I'm driving. We are not staying in this trailer this weekend."

next chap's are about to be so litt lol
and some heart issues 😩

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