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Grant + Addie
Third POV

Days have passed since the articles and the pictures had flowed in. Days have passed since Addie had kept on doing the same routine every day since she saw the articles and pictures of Sebastian and the same woman.

Sebastian hasn't texted her everyday or called her everyday. Just little texts here and there. They never spoke about the articles or anything.

Addie would usually just not answer because she knew he was lying about what he was doing or where he was going. He never even visited the set like he said he would a week ago.

The same routine she kept on, was waking up, film through out the day for the flash, go to her trailer and (barely) eat and sleep. Then over again.

The next was different, but she didn't want it to be. After filming her scenes that she needed to do, she headed back to her trailer and laid down, with her eyes closed. Two knocks and the door opened. Addie sat up slowly and saw Grant.

Smiling softly to herself, she stood up and the embraced each other in their arms.

"You were just with me filming a scene." Grant said, smiling.

"I know, I know." Addie sighed into his shoulder, then let go. "It's just right now, I rather be alone. Away from it all."

"Oh, I'll leave then. I'll check up with you later." Grant shrugged, letting his hand fall from her shoulder and grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

Letting it go, he smiled and began to walk out.

"No, Grant, not what I meant. I meant I wanted to be alone with you." She admitted, grabbing onto his wrist and pulling him back to his spot where he was standing; exactly in front of her.

Both their hearts began to pound. Grant knew that if he did anything like kiss or more with Addie, it was wrong. He was still with Malia; they were happy. But Grant couldn't help how he felt with Addie. For Addie.

They didn't lean in, they didn't do anything. They just stared in each others eyes, until Grant noticed her eyes started to water.

"Hey, hey..." Grant led her to the couch and they sat down together.

"I'm sorry," she sniffed. "It's-"

"Don't be sorry, Adds." Grant hugged her as she cried onto his shoulder. "You know you can tell me anything. Anything, okay?"

"Okay." She cried. "I just- I thought this was going to happen...I thought I was finally going to settle down. I put all my trust into him, I gave him more than one chance and he proved to me he wouldn't-"

That's when Addie broke down. When she really really broke down. And she only ever did when something bad happens to her or when she can't handle anything.

And, she only ever did when she had Grant with her. Grant was someone she could always go to and make her feel so much better, and she guesses that's why and that's one of reasons why she was falling in love with him.

Grant wiped her tears away from her cheeks and the corner of her eyes, some the black mascara coming off her lashes and onto his fingers.

"You know I love you, okay? And that you deserve so much." Grant spoke, kissing her forehead.

"I love you, too."

Grant meant his I love you as an actual I love you; more than a friend.

So did Addie's...

They continued looking at each other for gosh knows how long, and listened to the tv that was playing in the background in her trailer.

Grant would've kissed her. Grant would've done all the things to make her smile, like kiss her... But he couldn't. He couldn't do that when he had someone who he made happy- besides Addie- and really liked her... And that was Malia.

Grant coughed, as soon as Addie leaned in.

"Malia is coming tomorrow- to visit the set for a couple days. Meet everyone."

"Oh." Addie said, furrowing her brows and leaning back. She stood up and made her way towards the back.

"You okay?"

"I um- I think I'd like to be alone now." Addie said, trying not to cry again.


"I'll see you later." Addie spoke.

Grant began walking out. Once he opened the door, he stopped and turned his head at the distressed Addie who wasn't even looking up.

"I'm sorry, you know." He said.

No answer. Nothing.

As soon as he closed the door and stood there, he heard the cries coming from Addie, which broke his heart.

Before, they had a feeling both if each other liked each other, love perhaps, but they never admitted it.


Now they both knew they loved each other. They admitted it- but it wasn't the outcome Addie was hoping for.

Wasn't the outcome Grant was hoping for either, but Carlos did tell him to make a decision...

Can you hear that? That's my own heart breaking. Also, I think I can hear yours too.
sorry, not sorry...

my goodness I hate writing Sebastian as the bad guy 😭 Seb is just a little 'smol' precious person 😭❤️

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