71. Article + Real Life

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ARTICLE + Real Life


Grant Gustin: Single? And homesick!

Sources say, that actor Grant Gustin (The Flash!) and model/actress girlfriend Malia Johnson are broken up! Some say that is because of cheating rumors- Johnson has cheated on Gustin. Or, that they're broken up because Addie Singer made them break up?!

Singer and Gustin has been friends for ages, worked a some things together and are starting in Season 2 of The Flash.

Somehow, her name pops up everywhere, whenever involving Grant! Coincidence? We think not!

We all believe that Singer has always felt more than friendship love for him-as well as Gustin!


"You see this?" Grant pointed out, tossing his phone onto her couch near where she as sitting. Grabbing his phone she read the article and rolled her eyes.

"No privacy. Not ever. And when they talk about you... About us. In that way." Grant sighed, leaning his head into his hands, where his arms rested on his legs.

"Believe me, I understand everything that you're going through. We both understand each other, Grant." Addie spoke.

Grant knew what she was talking about. And it wasn't about the paparazzi, or the acting or any of it. It was about those years Grant had to "suffer" watching his love fall and be in love with someone else. And then now, it was happening to her too.

"I don't know what to do anymore. Like I said, me and you aren't how we used to be. And I know I should've just waited more. I shouldn't have moved on. I just-"

"Grant?" Addie furrowed her brows. "Calm down, okay?" Addie, on the inside, was not calm at all. But she had to be. She had to be, for him.

"I can't. I can't be calm unless I'm with you." Grant said.

"Hey, I'm here." She knew what he really meant, but she played like she didn't, even though it was obvious to both of them. It was like they read each others mind and had these conversations, but never spoke words. It was skinny love.

"No, no. With you as in with you..." Grant stood up. "I shouldn't have come. I'll see you later this week."

"Grant, no wait-"

"I'll speak to you." He said, walking out the door.

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