Chapter 45 : Hangovers and School don't mix.

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Ryan's POV

"Have any of you talked to the guys?" Sloane asked through my speaker phone as Taylor and I walked down the hallway before school.


Taylor pushed her sunglasses in place. She wore shades since we got up this morning, calling the lights evil. Hangovers were a bitch.

"Shh, not so loud.." Taylor rubbed her temples. "Foster texted that they were running late and would see us at lunch." She informed us

"I wonder if they feel like you." I opened my locker and grabbed my books for first period.

"Hangover?" Sloane asked.

"Yep. How you feeling?" I asked.


"How you had just as much as I did." Taylor asked.

"Hell if I know."

"I hate you." Taylor mumbled.

"Let me know if you hear from them." Sloane said after the bell wrang on her side of the phone.

I pocketed my phone and started to worry about the guys.

I haven't heard from Axel, Sam or Quade. And Walker didn't come back to Taylor's last night. At least Foster had texted Taylor, but that did nothing about my worry for the others. I slammed my locker door shut, temporarily forgetting about my friend's ailments.

"Sweet God..." Taylor clutched her head.


"Seriously Ry, shut up.." She slowly turned and walked down the hall.

  I am so glad I only had one drink last night. The sound of my AP English teacher's voice was enough to give me a headache without the help of a hangover.


I walked to the cafeteria without taking my eyes off my notes. Not only did My jerk of an English teacher announce a huge test but so did my bio teacher. I stayed out way too late last night to even focus on studying for a test, let alone two. I was planning on sleeping during study hall and going to bed early.  Now I was stuck studying. Not to mention that I still hadn't heard from Axel. I was slightly worried.

"Watch where you're going.." A short blonde guy complained in front of me when I nudged him in the shoulder.

"Sorry.." I apologized for running into him.  

I put my notes away and glanced at our usual table. Sam, Quade, Foster, and Axel all were sitting on one side of the table resting their heads on the surface. They had their hoods of their sweatshirts pulled up.

Luke poked Axel in the head repeatedly as I sat down by Taylor across from my boyfriend.  Luke paused his poking long enough to slide me a tray of food.

"These guys were half dead when I got here, so I got you food when I got mine." He explained, before resuming his pestering.

"Thanks."  I took in the boy's ragged appearance.

"Knock it off Luke.." Axel groaned. 

But he flicked my boyfriend's head once more for good measure.

"You guys drink enough last night?" I spoke loudly to get their attention.

Even Taylor was sleeping with her elbow propped on the table, her face resting on her hand.

"I love you Ryan, but I will kill you if you don't shut up..."  Quade mumbled into the table.

"I'll help.." Foster snuggled his face deeper into his arm.

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