Sleep deprived

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Axel's POV

I ran my ass through the hallway, trying to get to my first-period class. I had a note from the sheriff himself, but I knew that my bitch of a history teacher, Ms. Parker, wouldn't care. Ryan turned a five-minute update into a long, drawn-out conversation. Thanks to Ryan accusing us of being obsessed, we were all running fifteen minutes late. I didn't want to take time to hang out with the guys. I  wanted to do everything in my power to find out who this fucker is. We haven't accomplished anything, which told me that we had to try harder. But this was her decision. Against my better judgment, I went along with it.

My heart hammered against my chest as a turned the last corner.

What the actual fuck was wrong with me? 

I ran this route almost every morning and never had this much trouble. I imagined this is what a smoker of forty years felt like walking to their damn mailbox.

I shouldn't be struggling to run this short of a distance.  The truth hit me like Ryan's right hook. Fuck! She was right. The fact she was right pissed me off. And honestly, I'm pissed at myself for not being able to suck it up. 

My labored breathing further proved her point and only added to the anger taking root deep in my core. I wasn't weak, damn it! I only agreed to her temporary sleeping arrangement to please her. I,  in no way, felt it necessary this morning. I sure as hell did now. Apparently, I'm a toddler that can't function without a nap.

I slammed open the door to my history class, startling everyone inside.  Even the look of complete shock on Ms. Parker's face did nothing for my deflated ego or how angry I felt.

"Mr. Mathews!" She gasped, pressing her hand to her chest. Probably making sure that her cold dead heart was still there. "You are late."

"No shit.." I said on a wheeze.

I had no idea if she heard me, and I really didn't give a flying rat's ass if she did. I handed her my note, which she didn't bother reading before throwing it in the trash.

I stalked to my seat, everything that I wanted to say to Ms. Parker rattling off in my brain.

"Hey, Mathew's.." Luke tipped his chair back on two legs, rocking back and forth. "Did you have a run in with a cow? Because you look like utter shit!" He snorted at his joke.

"Still look better than you," I harshly shot back. "Dumb ass"

Joke or not, I wasn't in the mood.

"Dude, I was playing. Chill." Luke held his hands up in surrender. "Seriously though..." He righted his chair and leaned over his desk towards me. "You look steamrolled."

"I'm fucking aware..." I gritted my teeth.

"Axel! You have something you want to share?" Ms. Parker crossed her arms and raised a challenging brow.

She wanted me to shoot my mouth off. If she didn't back the fuck off, I would.

"No," I grunted.

"Then I suggest you stop talking and start reading chapter seventeen of your history book."

"Yes, Ma'am," I saluted sarcastically.

I used this quiet reading time to catch up on the sleep that Ryan so aptly pointed out that I needed. 

The whole morning passed in a  haze. Run to class, fall asleep, repeat. You would think that the extra naps would have made me feel better. It didn't. I was still fuming when I put my books in my locker at lunch. Slamming the metal door shut didn't make me feel any better either.

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