Chapter 9: Beer Pong and Hangovers

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My beloved wattpadders, I'm sorry to be a pain, but I tweaked a couple of things in the last two chapters. There were no massive changes, just a few details that happened around the lunch table in chapter 7 and a conversation at the party that had a little to do with it in chapter 8. Again, so sorry for the inconvenience. If you just started reading and found no continuity errors, disregard this author's note. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! Remember to comment and vote.


Ryan's POV

I looked at Axel suspiciously. Why the hell would he want to play with me? He probably wants to show me up in front of everyone. That was not going to happen. "If you wanna lose...that's up to you." Unfortunately, my voice came out sounding goofy.

"Right..." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "We've already covered that you don't know who you're dealing with.."

"A dick head?" I tossed the ping pong ball into a cup on the other side. I smirked and watched the girl, whose name I found out was Kendra, whine then down the beer.

"I'm out.." She grimaced.

"Where's Quade?" Sam asked from the stool he sat on. "I don't think he'd approve of this game. Axel scoffed at his protectiveness.

"He went to move someone's car. " Taylor added helpfully.

"Sam, you can babysit me.." I suggested. I didn't plan on drinking much during or after this round.

Axel took Kendra's place and tossed the ball into one of my cups. Damn it. I rolled my eyes and gulped the beer. I may or may not have belched. Again. No one said a word as I threw the ball back, and it landed with a satisfying plop into the ass-hat's cup. I didn't plan on drinking much during or after this round. However, It continued like this for longer than I wanted. Finally, Axel missed his shot but ended up hitting me square between the eyes. He played it off as if it was on purpose, but I knew better by his surprised look he gave seconds before trying to cover himself.

I still hadn't seen any sign of my brother after Kendra invited me to play beer pong, and he told Sam to monitor it. I must have hurt Mathews' ego because he followed me around, stating why he hated me and warned me to sleep with one eye open. He was as drunk as I felt; if not, more. Foster suggested a round of 'Flip-Cup' against him, and like an idiot, I shrugged, saying, "why not?". It didn't last long; our game only lasted a few minutes. 'I Love Rock N' Roll' blasted from the living room, and I couldn't help but drag Foster, Sam, and Taylor with me to dance it out.


My head throbbed in time with the beating of my heart. I was too warm, too confined. I tested my eyes against the light flooding through a window. A groan escaped my lips when the feat proved to be too much. A heavy arm embraced my torso, and I knew right away who it belonged to. I squeezed my eyes shut before looking behind me. As predicted, Sam slept in his usual spooning position. My eyes slowly adjusted to the natural light. I found myself staring at the back of someone's head. At this point, I realized my arm draped over the figure's side. My heart pounded in panic, making my head hurt that much more. I slowly leaned over to sneak a look at the sleeping face. Foster. I groaned again. He spooned a drooling Taylor, and my panic subsided a bit. How the hell did four of us end up in a queen-sized bed together? I struggled to fish my phone out of my pocket. Where was my brother? We were supposed to go back to Taylor's. I can't remember much of last night. A wave of guilt rose like bile in my chest.

Switching on my phone's home screen, I opened an unread text from Quade. I scrolled to the beginning of our conversation, a conversation I don't remember having with him last night.

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