Adopted siblings (boys x reader) part 2

Start from the beginning

You guys tracked muddy prints throughout the whole house, wondering around and starting a bath for you guys.

"MURPHY! CONNOR! Y/N!" You heard your mother yell.

You popped you head out, all three of you, from your room to peer out and look at her.

"What happened??" She asked in a disappointed/fairly angry voice.

"Urr" Murphy popped his head out, taking you with him.

"It was wike that when whe came in...." Connor lied.

It was obvious you guys did it.

"Get in tha shower, the lotta you." She told you guys and you all ran to get into the bathroom before the other one.

Annabelle cleaned up the muddy footprints and went to clean up around the house for a bit.

Connor shut the door behind you guys and you three began to strip your cloths before getting in, coming out about ten minutes later, all three of you had towels wrapped around your whole body.

You three waddled into your room and got ready for dinner,

Murphy and Connor helped you into your cloths and helped you brush and out your h/c hair and put t into a braid.

You guys emerged from your rooms after about twenty minutes later.

Annabelle was setting the dinner table and had you guys get out cups and forks as she brought over the dinner.

You guys ate and talked before getting into bed.

She read to you guys before tucking you in and going to bed.

When she left, the light was out, you where cuddled up with Murphy.

And that's when you heard it.

A small meowing outside your window.

Your eyes shot open and you shoved yourself out of his grasp and went over to the window.

You couldn't move the stuff you had used to cover it so you went to go for the door.

"Y/n what's wrong?" You heard Murphy's voice come from the dark.

"I hear something outside. Come" you, say and the boys got out of their beds without any more questions.

You guys sneakily tiptoed out into the hall, seeing the lights JUST turn out in your mothers bedroom when you guys went to go and tiptoe to the kitchen for a flashlight.

You found nothing.

No matter.

You guys headed for the door anyways, it wasn't raining at the moment and you guys weren't gonna waist time.

You guys carefully opened the door and headed out to the outside of your bedroom.

And there it was, you could just make out a small figure that looked like a miniature kitten.

"Kitty!" you say excitedly as your eyes get adjusted to the dark and see a small black and white kitten near your window.

"Come er!" you say and start towards it with the boys nearly stepping on your heels.

The kitten came over to you without another look back.

It started purring when you and the boys started petting it.

It was soggy, it was obviously had been out in the rain.

"Come on we gotta get it cwean and drwy." You say, picking the kitten up.

"let's go." Murphy said.

Connor didn't say a word.

It was practically a full-grown cat for you, seeing that you both where tiny.

Connor opened the door for you and you told the kitty to shush when you guys got inside the warmer house.

You and Murphy got to the room; Connor went to go get some washcloths, towels and milk from the fridge.

After about ten minutes, Connor came in with the things.

You guys had turned on the light and saw that the cat was obviously a stray, seeing it was fairly thin and was really soaked from the rain, meaning it didn't have shelter.

Connor offered the kitten milk, which it took happily,

You guys got him cleaned up.

Once you where done, you found it was a female, black and white, and now completely dry and fluffy.

"Don't tell momma" you asked them as you cuddled the now sleeping cat in your arms.

"We won't." Connor reassures.

"Yeah. She can sweep in here tonight," Murphy says and you guys made a nest on the ground so you all could sleep with her on the floor.

When you woke up the next morning you heard knocking on the door, knowing it was your mom, you quickly grabbed the sleeping cat and put her in your closet and woke the boys up.

"Guys, Breakfast is ready." You heard her say.

"Okay!" you said.

"Thank you mommy!" Connor yelled

"Thank you!" Murphy said after Connor

You guys ate quickly that day, discreetly bring a bowl of milk back for the cat.

You all huddled around her as she ate.

"wht should we name her?" you ask after a moment of silence.

"I'm not swure." Murphy says, speaking for him and Connor.

"How abouwt...Shadow?" You say

"Sure" Connor says happily.

"Alright" Murphy agrees.

So, for the next five days, you guys kept Shadow a secret from your mom.

Currently, the boys where just getting back from school, (I believe the boys go to school anyways they do in this XDD)

You hadn't gone though, you where sick when you woke up so your mom let you stay home.

Though you hated when you where sick and left without the boys for the day.

Though you weren't totally alone, you had your mom and shadow.

Currently, you where lying on a little nest on the ground, cuddled up with your kitten when you heard bickering from down to the hall.

Only two people that you ever knew bickered this way.

Your brothers.

You sat up just as the door opened.

The boys threw their bags down as they closed the door and instantly hugged you, kissing you on the forehead before getting changed.

"How was schwol?" you asked, petting Shadow calmly.

"It was alright, Ben was there today though" Murphy sighed.

"I wish he wasn't at ouwr scwhol." You muttered sadly.

Ben was the bully of your school; everyone hated him except for Julian Hater and Greg Smith. You hated them too.

You guys ate dinner and you all where back to bed soon enough and went to sleep, currently you where cuddled up with Connor while Murphy had Shadow.

Everything was good so far with Shadow, she didn't go in the house, Annabelle still didn't know about her and she was a good companion.

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