I'll Have Nachos Please

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The atmosphere within the restaurant was thick and buzzing with tourists. Mabel seemed to instantly love this, leaping around trying to catch a glimpse at what others were eating. I listened intently to Marinette speak in a beautiful sing-song French tongue to the waiter up ahead, then escorted us to a small table in the corner - wonder if I'd have to learn French if I chose to stay here...languages were never my forte at school. Awkward was the only word to describe the air at the table. Star was sat next to Mabel clutching her bite softly, trying to meet Marco's gaze. Marco on the other hand, seemed more interested in staring down Mari, his mud brown eyes blazing with intense aggravation. Marinette had her face buried behind a menu whilst Mabel fangirled over the tiny crackers and pots of jam that had been served as an appetiser. 

"So...today's been fun, huh?" Mabel attempted to lift the mood. It didn't work.

"Hey Mabes...maybe we should just wait until every one feels like talking? I think we're all a little shaken after the events of today." I deliberately  kept my voice in a low tone. 

Then it happened. That weird feeling in my head. The burning sensation in my chest. I could feel the Cipherstone heating up rapidly and if I didn't shift soon, it may explode! In a hurry, I excused myself as politely as I could then rushed off to the bathroom, locking myself in the cubicle and pulling the pendant from under my shirt to inspect it.

"What is wrong with you?" I muttered to the rock. It glowed in response, illuminating my birthmark of the Big Dipper, a weird shade of blue. 

I'm here now. It's time for me to free myself from this prison. I invoked the name, now I am here, another form, another time. 

Panic ate at me like a moth attacking a cotton bedsheet. The voice was back inside my head. Coarse, unforgiving. I knew that it had ties with...him...but didn't think he would return. 

"What do you want?!" I asked sternly.

As if to answer my query, a blue light shot from the pendant, forming itself into the dark shadow of an isosceles triangle. An eye opened. 

"Well, well, well, howdy there guardian! Enjoying using my powers?" 

I said nothing.

"Oh I get it, speechless, huh? I do tend to have that effect on you meatsacks! So...did ya miss me? Admit it, ya missed me Pinetree! Man, that gives me déja vu!"

"B-Bill! What are you-I don't-WHAT?!"

The demon rolled his pupil at me. 

"Sit down kid. We need to have a little chat about our little arrangement with the Cipherstone."

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