A Rivalry is Born

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After all that had happened today, it sure was a relief to see the city of Paris, restored to its former glory before us. During the frankly exhausting and tedious hospital situation, Star had literally collapsed on my arm and fallen asleep. I've never told her, but she looks so beautiful and peaceful when she's sleeping (But that's our little secret...). The blue haired girl, who's name I believe to be Mari, woke us up to say we were leaving. I didn't really like her so far, she came across as a bit too controlling. As for the others, well, Mari's best friend Alya was attached to her phone, plus had left anyways in order to meet her boyfriend - she seemed okay, but I hadn't really spoken to her; there was the crazy brunette girl, Mabel, who I seemed to recall was Dipper's twin, even though Dipper struck a terrifying resemblance to Mari; and finally there was Dipper. To me, he seemed the most approachable, in fact, despite how I'd hurt him and threatened the destruction of Ladybug and Chat Noir - so I could be Star's hero - Dipper still came and spoke to me. 

"I dunno about you guys, but I could really use a lil' bite to eat! I know a good place just around from the bakery...hey, dinner's on me!" Mari looked at me then tapped my shoulder to whisper, "Marco, I'm sorry I've been kinda rude to you, but I've been seriously stressed out today and I let myself get all carried away. My apologies for my behaviour."

I probably appeared taken aback (that's what I was going for anyway. I hope I looked looked that to everyone else.), "Why're you apologising?! I'm the monster here if anyone is!"

"I never said I or you were a monster...listen Marco, Star and I may not get on very well but it would be nice if you y'know smile? And by the way, I've heard you call me Mari, but my name is Marinette, that is my name and it is what I wished to be called!"" she sneered almost in a low tone.

"What was that about apolog-" I was cut short someone pulling on my arm. 

"Marco! C'mon! Keep up!" Star gestured for me to join her. I dashed over to my girlfriend's side, throwing a dirty scowl back at Marinette. She stuck her tongue out and stormed off in front to show us all to the restaurant, starting a conversation with Dipper and Mabel.

"Hey, Star, do you think Marinette is a bit rude?" I asked Star coolly.

The Mewnian raised a single eyebrow, "No, why?"

"No reason." I muttered under my breath, "I can't stand her..."

She paused and stared at me, her head doing that adorable tilt that she does when she's intrigued. Star opened her ocean blue eyes wide.

"Star! What's wrong?" I panicked, causing Dipper, Mabel and Marinette to stop, turn around and see what was going on.

The princess then blinked slowly a couple of times, smiled demurely in my general direction.

"Nothing to worry about peeps! Just remembered something irrelevant!" Star Butterfly burst into fits of laughter and continued walking.

The group gave a resounding, collective sigh, walking on.

I lingered back a second. My eyes fell upon Star's bandage. I could've caused her death...but I did...nothing. I knew one thing for certain though, I wasn't gonna let that asshole Hawk Moth anywhere near my Star ever again. If he even harmed a single hair on her head, well - let's just say the consequences wouldn't be pretty.

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