I'm From Another Dimension

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I flew in from above, landing amidst the group of terrified teens.
A burst of sparkly narwhals shot from the end of my wand and straight into the bone zombies! Awesome!

Earlier on, this was what happened: After I got out the shower, I went to find Marco, but he was gone! Man, I was super pissed with him - I don't exactly know what it means but I heard Marco use it so it's probably something cool...
All I found was the window hanging open and our bags EVERYWHERE.

Technically speaking, I was kinda intruding on these peoples' privacy but to be perfectly honest, they were in danger and looked like they could use a good save!

"Who the hell are you?"
One of the girls in the group with black-blue hair and reeking of ignorance piped up.
Turning to look at her, I grinned.
"My name is Star Butterfly! I just saved your life!"
"I can see that." The ignorant girl hissed.
"A 'thank you' would be nice."
The others in the small group greeted me, another girl in a checkered shirt and faded jeans spoke in a much kinder tone.
"You'll have to excuse Marinette, she's been in a bit of a mood since all this began. Anyways, nice to meet you Star! I'm Alya! And this is Dipper," She pointed at a tall boy with brown hair and a hat rammed down over his eyes, "this is Mabel."
Alya indicated to her left where a girl stood who looked remarkably like the boy stood.
"Nice to meet you guys! We should probably get to safety though!"
"Agreed." Everyone nodded in agreement.

With great difficulty, I teleported everyone to the roof of a building.
"That was wholly unpleasant." Dipper unhelpfully commented.
"So what's going on?" I asked curiously.
"Well, the windows blew off the front of the bakery we were in, so we all ran outside and then my brother raised the catacombs!" Mabel splurged without breathing.
Talk about long winded explanations!

A shadowy figure landed at the far end of the roof. He was wearing dark clothing which flowed out behind him in the wind, his face covered by a dark mask with an eye slit. A sliver of thick red hair hung from the slit. The thing that got to me were the eyes. They were dark chocolate brown and brimmed with rage, sadness.
Everyone dashed behind me besides Marinette - who tried to sneak off behind an adjacent chimney.

"Who is that?" Dipper asked.
I walked towards the figure.
He stared unblinking.
Then Marco's sweet voice appeared in my head, with a newer harsh edge.
"Yes. Hello Star."
"What are you doing?" I inquired.
Marco clutched a leatherbound book to his chest.
"Winning your heart."
Then he lashed out, knocking me down and taking my wand.

"Marco! Stop!" I cried.
He looked at me forlornly.
"I'm sorry Star. But I have the power now."
I waited a second. There was a sweeping breeze and a red burst of energy. Marco was gone. So was my magic. And that weird book too. Also clearly no one else had noticed Marinette's sudden absence.

I needed Marco back. Because I loved him. More than anything. I should've just told him upfront.
But now he was corrupted. Leaving me broken hearted and powerless, with a techno geek and two terrified twins.
I was gonna need to work with them for a single chance at winning this battle.
And I had an idea.
"Okay guys! Listen up! This is the plan!"

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