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I yawned. That 11 hour plane flight followed by a 4 hour car drive had really taken the juice out of me. I felt drained.
I screamed. Mabel gurned at me.
"Grunkle Stan got us some éclairs for breakfast!"
"Nice." I commented trying to hide the sarcasm in my voice.
Ford smiled at me, catching my shoulder as I went to walk into the he kitchen of the apartment we were staying in.
"Dipper, I'm afraid I can't help you today because Stanley and I have to go and inspect the energy spike from last night. You and your sister can go and explore the city if you want?"
"Sure...sounds great..." I trailed off, still fiddling nervously with the Cipherstone.
Ford sighed.
"I promise you that we can sort this out tomorrow."

The city was beautiful to say the least. Mabel begged me desperately to let her go and have her photo taken with a mime up at the Sacré Cœur.
After 3 hours of wandering round, photographing every landmark, running in and out of various shops, we came to a stop at a park.
At the centre, there was a statue of two figures. One was a tall boy clad in a spandex catsuit, brandishing a pole. At his side, like an angel, stood a slightly shorter girl with pigtails wearing a spotted spandex suit, a yoyo spiralling above her head.

"Wow! They look amazing!" Mabel commented excitedly.
"Don't they just!"
Another girl stood to my right.
"Excuse me?" I asked - probably a bit too rude!
Before the teenager had a chance to speak, Mabel launched at her, throwing her hand out in greeting - typical Mabel.
"Hi I'm Mabel! I'm 13! I like puppies, rainbows and the colour pink! This is my twin brother Dipper!" She leant into the girl's ear, "He's a massive nerd!"
Laughing, the girl accepted Mabel's hand, adjusting her wide lensed glasses.
"I'm Alya. Alya Césaire. I'm 16. I attend the local high school."
Alya's voice was thick with a French accent.
"Hi...Alya," I tried, a slightly different approach from Mabel's, "I'm Dipper. Dipper Pines."
"Nice to meet you both!" Alya grinned.
She seemed to notice me looking back at the statue.
"I can tell from your accents that you're not from round here." She giggled, "The boy who looks like a cat is Cat Noir and the girl to his left with the yoyo is Ladybug."
"Ladybug and Cat Noir?" I asked, feeling curiosity bubble up inside of me.
"Yes. Paris' teen superheroes! They save us from all the villains! You see, there are these things called akumas that turn people all evil and Cat Noir and Ladybug work together to capture the akuma and purify the victim!" Alya filled me in happily.

"Man I'm starved!" Mabel moaned.
"Hey! Why don't you guys tag along with me? I was just on my way to visit my friend Marinette in her bakery."
Mabel instantly took Alya up on the offer.
The two girls walked off ahead, gossiping about Ladybug and how Marinette is a massive klutz.
I, on the other hand, trailed behind slightly, filled with dread as I regarded the Cipherstone hanging around my neck. Every so often, I toyed with pulling out the journal - which had been restored after Weirdmageddon, in fact all three journals had.

"Is something wrong Dip?" Mabel asked.
I paused. Ford's words echoed in my head. "No one must know you have it or that it has chosen you. Not even your sister. This stays strictly between us."
"Err...yeah everything's going great! Why would you think otherwise?!" I burst out.
"Boys - who'd have them, eh?" Alya joked sarcastically.
I guess I was just going to have to wait until tomorrow to discover the truth of it.
But I guessed that for today I could at least try and smile and enjoy myself.
After all, from what I'd heard, Marinette sounded like a nice person, plus with these akuma things on the loose, maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.
I smiled and caught up with the girls, not noticing the dark figure watching us from the rooftops.

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