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The newest addition to our 'group' was most irritating. Pah, who am I kidding? EXTREMELY irritating! Imagine taking a boisterous puppy and fusing it with a three year old girl. Et voila! You have Star Butterfly!
Thanks to her and her ridiculous plan, Alya, Dipper, Mabel and I (her too obviously)  were now crammed inside a portaloo, whilst zombies and another akumatised civilian layed waste to Paris.
I could feel Tikki yanking my hair.
"Marinette! Paris needs Ladybug!"

"Sorry Tikki," I sighed in annoyance as I leant back against the confined space, "easier said than done. First we have to get away from Princess Cuckoo over there..."

My kwami smiled, "I think I have a plan!"

"This was your plan?! To stuff us in a portable toilet?!" Dipper piped up furiously. 
The thirteen year old grabbed Star by her collar. For a brief moment, I thought I noticed his eyes flash azure blue, a shade not that dissimilar to my own. "This is the absolute WORST plan I've ever heard!"

"What the hell Dipper?!" Mabel grabbed her brother and pulled him back. His face suddenly became blank. "Wha-?" 

I turned back to Tikki, "Hey! Now would be a great time to hear that plan of yours!" 

"Yo Mari! Don't think I haven't noticed you trying to sneak out!" Alya grinned.

I paused. "Umm...I was-I left the choux buns in the oven! A-and I'm kinda worried a-about Adrien..." I blurted in a slurred splurge of garbage. 

"The whole of Paris is rampant with zombies and another akumatised victim, trust you to be thinking of the choux buns! Girl relax! And I'm sure Adrien is fine on his own...besides, Ladybug and Cat Noir will be here any second to solve the problem!" 

Star suddenly slinked up between me and Alya. "Heeeeey girls! What are we talking about over here?" She seemed avidly determined to stay as far away from Dipper as was humanely possible in this tiny space. Granted, public portable toilets for the disabled were larger which seemed to be why Star had selected it over the others but it was still kinda cramped.

"None of your business!" I snapped at her. The princess had a bewildered look set across her features. "This doesn't concern you so there's no need for you to intrude on other's business is there?"

Princess Butterfly backed away slowly. Alya suddenly turned to the twins who had set about arguing.

"Tikki, that plan would be really handy right about now!" I whispered into my jacket. 

"Use the flour!" She responded.

"What flour?"

"The flour from the market! You forgot to take it from your bag yesterday. I'll fly up there and drop it, the resulting cloud will allow us to sneak away unnoticed."

"Let's do it." 

Tikki lugged the tiny sachet of flour from my purse and flew up to the ceiling, winking at me. Luck for us, everyone was distracted by Dipper and Mabel arguing over 'three part harmony'. The sachet dropped and clouds of white flour billowed upwards. I saw my chance. Flicking up the latch on the door, I slipped out, followed by Tikki. 

As fast as I could, I hid inside an adjacent cubicle. "Ready?" I asked my kwami. She nodded.

"Tikki, SPOTS ON!" I yelled.

The familiar pink aura rushed round my body transforming me into Ladybug.

"Right. Time to save Paris!" 

I smiled to myself. But it didn't last long. As I cast my yo-yo off and swung upwards, my mind flashed back to the events earlier - I mean, I felt kinda guilty for leaving all of them in there like that, even Star! - in particular, when Mabel grabbed Dipper. There was something about that flash in his eyes which made my stomach churn uncomfortably. Deep down, I knew that look, like when we first met and a sudden sense of recognition passed between us. Something weird was going on and I was going to get to the bottom of it. Well, right after I saved the citizens of Paris, stopped a zombie invasion and de-evilised Karate Master...

We've all got a job to do haven't we?

Miraculous Falls Vs The Forces of Evil Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang