Dipper and Mabel

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"Omigosh! Dipper! I can't believe we're in Paris!" Mabel cried excitedly, pressing her face up against the glass.
I rolled my eyes with a grin on my face. Looking out the window myself, I couldn't help but feel awestruck as we passed by the Eiffel Tower, an iron giant looming over us as we passed into France's capital city.
"Eep! I'm so excited! Not only do I get to spend my 14th birthday with the best twin brother ever; I might even get to fall in love with a sexy French boy!" She cooed.
"Who'd wanna date you?!" I joked sarcastically.
Mabel giggled and punched me on the arm playfully.
"Hey cut it out will ya back there!" Grunkle Stan snapped.
Mabel grinned and stuck her tongue out at Stan. She had always been the most forward and outgoing out of the two of us.
"Don't look so bored! You have a lot to look forward to! You and I are going to study the Cipherstone this summer." Great uncle Ford reached round from the passenger seat and gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder. I smiled at him.
"Yeah...that thing..."
I fingered the small, cerulean, triangular crystal that hung around my neck by a slither of black suede cord. It glinted slightly in the sunlight.
"Why'd you choose me you goddamn bastard..." I muttered under my breath to the pendant.

"Aww why so down bro-bro? I know what'll cheer you up! C'mon Dip! Sing with us!" Mabel yawped down my ear. "You know the song Grunkle Stan!"
Stan's mood seemed to change suddenly as he turned the radio up.
I grinned and stuffed the necklace down the front of my checkered shirt.

We all laughed as we belted out the chorus - even Ford! - to Taking Over Midnight.

Girls do what we like!
Cuz we're taking over tonight!
Girls do what we like!
Cuz we're taking over tonight!
We're queens of the disc-o!"

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all...

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