Part 23

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Petra's POV

Three days had passed and now Diana and Aro were husband and wife much against my father's will. The nerve he had saying Diana would make good money in the streets! No wonder my mother could not stand him. Still things were pretty calm for the most part, little did I know this was the calm before the storm.

Walking through my brother's house I saw Ares talking with Aro and he had a serious look on his face. That look was enough to scare anyone half to death. Still I wanted to know what was going on. Making my way to them I see Diana come up as well and she looks at Ares with a serious look on her face, apparently this was common today.

"Aro, we should be able to return as so as we can." Diana says as she stands beside Ares.

"Your safety is now my concern, you are my wife-" Aro starts but he is quickly interrupted by Ares.

"We have to do this on our own, if we brought other guards then all that would do is draw more attention and we both know we don't want that." Ares replies with a sharp tongue.

"Ares go wait for me in the foyer." Diana instructs and against his better judgement he nods and walks off and I decide to follow him.

Abigail's POV

Ares left with Petra and now I am lefting having to re explain my mission to Aro. Looking at him I can see the fear in his eyes. Something I have seen so many times before. Aro takes my hands and holds them close to his chest.

"Abigail, if you continue your life like this, you have no future." Aro states bluntly but truly.

Gulping I nod, I wanted to just get the mission done with that way no one else would be in danger but a part of me knew what he was saying was true. If I kept going back to the past and trying to protect it I would be delaying my future, if I ever had one that is.

"Aro I swear I will return, I still have to get the other guard and I was lucky we found the other man and that he is easily accessible. I have Ares to protect me as well, I promise nothing will harm me." I tell him as he pulls me closer to him.

As if there were no words left to be said Aro pulled my arms and placed them around his neck as he leaned in and kissed me. His kiss was sad, like he didn't know if I would come back at all. I knew I had to though, one of the guards Alexander had was also someone I had to bing back with me. Pulling him closer to me I kissed him back with all the passion I could muster.

"I will return, keep a candle lit for me." I tell Aro as I pull away and walk to the foyer joining up with Ares as we walk out of Aro's house.

Fred had told me late on my wedding night who the last man was, turns out he was a local thief whom he said would be easy to capture. Ares could easily take down anyone and if he couldn't well I definitely know that I would be able to no matter what. Walking down the alleys of the city we followed the trail until we finally came upon the man, what shocked up though was that he wasn't stealing. Instead he was saving a woman from being raped. The sick man who tried to rape the woman was pulled off by our thief and thrown onto the road, something he didn't take kindly to.

"She's my whore, I don't have to pay for her." the man spits at the thief.

"I was no aware you had the right to do any of the sort." I say as I pick up the man from his collar and with applying a little bit of pressure to a few pressure points he was out like a light.

The woman took off running as the thief looked at us as though he knew who we were yet for the life of me I couldn't place him. Ares went up and talked to the man for several minutes and then they hugged as if they remembered one another.

"Thank god, we can go home now, I thought we would be stuck here forever." the thief says hugging Ares close.

"No worries Adam I will send you back but Abigail and I still have one last person to collect then we will join you back in our time." Ares says leading the man I now know is named Adam my way. "Abigail, Adam was someone I worked with, I don't think you ever met him though."

At this point I wasn't concerned with the man, a part of me felt like this was all too easy. A deep sad and scared feeling was now in my gut and before either of them could stop me I started running back to Aro's home as fast as I could. Once there all did look calm but I knew that looks could be deceiving.

Pushing past the doors there were no guards, no Petra, nor Aro waiting for me as they usually were and my heart stopped. Running through the halls I tried to calm myself but I could sense something there, something evil and I had a feeling it was Alexander, I knew I should have killed that ass when I had the chance.

"Fred no one is here, can you hear me?" I ask praying to hear his voice yet to my disappointment no reply comes.

That's when I hear a scream. A woman's scream at that. Turning to the direction it came from I follow where I thought I heard it only to be met with the corpses of three servant girls. Each of them with their throats slit. Panic went through my body.

"ARO!" I yell as loud as I can as I continue to search the house and this time when I found Alexander I would kill him, mark my words.

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