Part 4

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Abigail's POV

My heart was beating so fast as I was lead to what they called the training cells. I could hear things I dared not even speak of. My stomach was tempted to empty its contents more than once but I held strong. The two who now wanted to own me, the man and woman I had just met were Atherus and Lecila. Two people I would make sure to kill. Now I was in bloody shackles and led around by another slave who kept making eyes at me. This dude was about to get slapped and hard.

Finally we reached the common ground or training grounds as the slave called them. There I saw Hannah huddled in a corner all alone and crying.  Pulling my arm loose from the man I ran as fast as I could over to her. She looked horrible I wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't been fed at all. She yelled as I barely touched her but then fell into my arms as she realized who I was.

"Abigail, is it really you?" she questioned as her tears flowed.

"Oh Hannah, yes I promise you it's me." I tell her as I hold her close and begin to rock with her. "What in the hell has happened to you?"

Hannah didn't dare speak to me but her eyes widened in fear as she looked behind me. I could only imagine what was there a demon from the look in her eyes. Finally whatever it was shadow fell upon me and I could tell it was freaking huge. This was probably a gladiator that had claimed her in a way I didn't want to know about. I was prepared to kill him if I had to but Hannah held onto me for dear life.

"What are you doing with my woman?" a mans voice demanded.

Oh dear lord this dudes voice as so deep I was afraid to turn around for fear I would see the devil himself. Hannah tried to stop crying as she looked up at me and just shook her head no over and over again. Fear was now my best friend as I dared to look back at the hulk of a creature who dared call himself a man.

"Ottocleus, leave them be, it's none of your business." another man spoke up and everyone around use went dead silent.

Looking behind Ottocleus I saw another man who looked incredibly strong and well built stand up from the table he was sitting at. A part of me was beyond confused and wondered why in the hell this man who we don't even know would say anything to the hulk here?

"Ares...that's Ares..." Hannah whispered to me.

Of course probably named after the god of war. Great this probably just mean that he wanted to fight. Ottocleus didn't appear to hear Ares and grabbed my arm pulling me away forcefully from Hannah who fell to the ground.

"Ow! Let me go you hulk!" I yell at the man knowing he will not understand my insult.

"Release her!" Ares calls out as he now grabs a practice sword and hits Ottocleus over the head with it, breaking it on his head. "Fight me, the woman was just comforting your woman."

Ares dropped me and I fell to the ground as Ottocleus redirected his anger at Ares. This man obvuously had a death with but I didn't have time to think about that. crawling back over to Hannah I grab my watch from my wrist and put it on her hiding her body with my own.

"Fred, the watch is on Hannah, get her back now!" I whisper loudly as I look to Hannah.

"No, you don't know what they will do to you here, Abigial get out of here!" Hannah pleads with me.

"No, I can do this, you get back and get treated." I say and in just a few moments Hannah disappears from my sight back to our own time.

Great, now how to explain this? Oh well I will figure something out later. Looking back to the fighting I was surprised to see Ares take down the Hulk in just a few moments now. Ares drops his weapon and looks over my way now. I gulp in response to his eye on me. Ares just smiles at me as he walks my way. My heart began to speed up again as he came over and picked me up bridal style.

"My woman!" Ares yelled out to everyone in the yard.

He begins to walk with me in his arms and I am still in shock as he carried me away from the training grounds.

"Don't worry, Hannah told me the truth, I tried to protect her but Ottocleus claimed her first." Ares whispered in my ear and I look at him completely baffled. "She said you would come for her and you do, now I will protect you until you can get back."

Hannah told him? What in the world made her trust this guy? After all he was named after the god of war! Still looking back at my other options I held closely onto Ares. Not sure what to do since now my main mission was accomplished I would have to wait on what the rest of the Hannah's mission was and finish it in her place.

Back into the cells we went. Ares was surprisingly gentle with me as he sat me down on his makeshift bed. He began to look at my arm, the one that the brute had just decided to try and pull off from my body.

"It looks like it will bruise but nothing else." Ares tells me as he looks up into my eyes, something about him is so familiar as if I had seen him somewhere before. "Abigail, you knew Hannah was in trouble and came for her taking no fear for yourself. That's pretty brave."

"Some would say incredibly stupid." I counter.

"Ah so the goddess speaks." Ares says with a grin.

Oh right, I hadn't said anything to him had I? Well forgive me I was a bit caught up at the moment trying to save Hannah but he was a good distractions I would give him that.

"Sorry, I was a bit occupied. I'm Abigail." I say sticking my hand out.

Just as Ares was about to say something we heard footsteps. Ares grabs my head and forces a passionate kiss on me as we both hear someone laugh and continue to walk past us. Ares separates from me just for a second.

"Ares, and if this is going to work your going to be have to be a good actress." Ares says brushing a piece of hair out of my face.

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