Part 13

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The woman just had to call for guards as Ares moved away from her. Turning around I could hear loud marching coming our way. Great as if I didn't have enough trouble I was wondering how the heck we were going to take down all the guards. I didn't have much time to think as the first five came in. Hermes was a gladiator so he had no problem. The man who came after me had no idea what he was in for. He raised his arm around to try and hit me with his sword as I circle kicked him and went onto the next person who I took on hand to hand.

"I don't see this ending well!" Hermes calls out to me as Ares somewhat dressed joins the fight.

"Tell me something I don't know!" I yell as I continue to fight even in tight, hot, black leather.

"What the hell were you two doing?" Ares asks and just hearing his voice in that tone it comes back to me.

"Adam, you idiot! I thought you were dead!" I yell at Ares as I turn around and face him who looks at me like a deer stuck in headlights.

"Abigail, this isn't the time or place to explain." he tells me as he knocks out a man behind him.

"I think this is the perfect time since I am the one assigned to bring you back! Your broke my sisters heart and just disappeared, not to mention you took her with you! They had some nerve sending me back for you!" I yell as I grab a random object and throw it at a guard and hits him right on the head.

"Wait, I thought that you said you were the one in love with her. You loved her sister?" Hermes asks now joining the conversation.

"No, her sister and I were married and we went on a mission-" Ares said but I stopped him there.

"Then died, nothing heard from either one of them ever again. You bastard! If you are here then where is my sister!" I yell at the top of my lung as I slap Ares as hard as I can.

"Uh, Abigail really we need to get ride of uh the guards and the woman." Hermes suggests.

Taking the last pill I attack the woman and do the same thing with her that I did with the first one as Ares and Hermes finish off the guards. Once we were finished though I wanted answers and I wanted them now!

"Speak, tell me what happened." I yelled at Ares or Adam whatever you wanted to call him.

"We were about to be killed, Vikings aren't friendly and your sister was just like you, she said one wrong thing and they didn't hesitate to end her life." Ares tells me.

"No, your lying." I say as I feel the tears in my eyes. "That can't be true. You swore to protect her!'

Ares tried to grab me but instead I pulled away and wiped the tears from my eyes. No I wouldn't let him see me like this, to let him know that he had won and made me cry for my sister. My job was to get him and two others and I would accomplish that goal. Hermes just looked absolutely confused. Turning to leave I shouldn't have been surprised to see Alexander but I did hear a gasp come from my  mouth.

"Well, I agree, you were able to take on anything, wonder how you will do with torture?" Alexander said walking forward and examining my outfit which had turned back into the ragged dress I had been wearing before. "Loving two men enough to try and come say them, I say that takes a lot of love and courage."

"I love neither of them you despicable man, they're my job." I hiss at him knowing my heart would never belong to anyone ever again.

"Job? Dear girl, lets see how you like a whip and a few lashings." Alexander said grabbing my arm.

What he didn't expect was for Hermes and Ares to try and come help me, the guards however many this man had though came running in and were able to restrain them and I was on my own. Thinking to myself that I really didn't want to get lashings what I could possibly do. Nothing was coming to my mind short of sleeping with him and there was no way that would ever happen.

"Lets see if the gods show mercy on you." Alexander said shoving me into the arms of another guard. "Take her to the cellar and chain her up."

The guard nodded and grabbed me pulling me away from the sight of both Hermes and Ares. The entire way we walked I had my head down. How would I be able to get out of this one? I mean yes I wanted to save the guys but now look where I was heading, to the cellar to be chained. Needless to say my mission wasn't going so well. How in the world was I ever going to meet the other two time travelers I knew nothing about in a cellar? Just as we got to the stairs I feel the guard release my arm. Looking to him shocked at why he would ever release me knowing what I could do.

"Abby? I can't believe you've grown up so much." the guard says as he looks me over and I narrow my eyes at him trying to see if I remember him. "I was partners with your dad once, you probably don't remember I shouldn't remember you."

"I'm sorry I really don't but if you talk to me more maybe I can remember." I tell the man who looks at me as though he were trying to remember every memory he had about me.

"Abby, I have to get you out of here. That man will kill you. Even though I have to chain you up, I swear I will find a way to get you out." he says as he leads me down the stairs and reluctantly chains me to a wall. "I'll be back, I promise."

With those words he leaves and I watch as he shuts the door to the cellar. Well two down, one to go.

Time Jumpers ~Ancient Rome~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें