Part 15

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Sitting in front of Petra's mirror I hardly recognize who looks back at me in the mirror. She had curled my hair to make it look wavy and put flowers in the shape of a halo around my head. As I look down at my clothes I see the pure white gown I am wearing along with a gold belt around my waist. Petra definitely knew what she was doing when she said she would prep me. Gold bangles were on my arms as well as gold ear rings upon my ears. Needless to say I looked like I actually belonged here.

"Come my dear sister, the time has come to introduce Diana to Rome so she can be the one to marry my brother and perhaps show Rome she cannot be beaten." Petra tells me as she helps me stand up as we begin to walk out of the room and into the great hall.

Apparently back in this time every house had a grand room for parties and introductions I suppose but now I just had to pretend and go with whatever Aro told the people who were waiting just behind the curtain that was in front of me. Gulping I felt Petra pat my back probably to try and re assure me that everything would be fine.

"Allow me to introduce my wife, Diana of Thebes." Aro says saying I am actually not from Rome but Thebes Egypt actually.

The curtain opened and I took a few steps forward as Aro came up to me and took my hand in his then brought me to the center of the room where everyone looked at me as if I were a bird on parade. I wasn't going to say anything at all unless Aro wanted or told me to because I didn't want to blow my cover.

"Leave is to Aro to find a beautiful dessert flower." I hear one older man call out.

"Of course Lord Mightus, Diana will be a perfect bride and wife." Aro says as he pulls me close to him and puts his arm behind my waist showing the others I was his.

Many of the nobles came forward and began to congratulate us on our engagement. Names that I will probably not remember but there was a face I did recognize. Alexander and it scared the hell out of me. Much against my prayers I watch as Alexander walked forward and congratulated us he even looked me over many times but said nothing out of the normal to Aro.

"Is there a room free? I have been on a long journey and need to bathe then rest." Alexander had the nerve to ask Aro but I still stayed silent.

"Of course, my sister Petra shall show you to a free room." Aro said as Petra came up and instructed Alexander to follow her which of course he did.

"Aro, he is the one that nearly killed me." I whisper into Aro's ear.

"Then I suggest you go and take your revenge and defend my sister's honor." Aro says as he looks at me and gives me a quick peck on the lips. "I can distract the others for a while."

"How would we explain it?" I ask completely confused.

"Love, I am of a higher class than him, they will believe anything I tell them of what happened to him. Now go you are wasting time." Aro said giving me one last kiss as he walked off.

Permission, I had just practically been given permission to kill Alexander and there was no way in hell I was going to waste it. Taking one look around I make a quick exit and begin to search the rooms. Good lord this place is big, seven rooms down and nothing or so I thought until I hear Petra's scream. Running through the halls I quickly open the door to see Alexander holding Petra with her front against a wall trying to get her dress up. Thinking as fast as I could I take a vase and smash it over his head and he falls right to the ground.

Going past him Petra turns to me and cries as I hold her close.

"Forgive me for not coming sooner, there are a lot of rooms here." I explain to her as she just nods and continues to cry. "I promise I will make him pay, go back to Aro and I will take care of him."

"What if he tries to hurt or even rape you?" Petra asks scared for my wellbeing.

"I'll kill him." I tell her straight out.

Petra stands up and adjusts her dress before she walks out of the room. Looking over to Alexander I contemplate what to do to him, after all one crime isn't all he is guilty for. Walking over to him I feel his pulse and can feel his is just fine. Grabbing him by his arms I drag him over to the bed and tie him to the bed posts. Within less than half an hour he was awake and looking around.

"Where am I? What have you done?" Alexander screams as I come up to his side. "You, I knew you weren't dead."

"Either that or I am one hell of a ghost." I reply with a wink. "Perhaps the ghost of revenge?"

Alexander looks and sees that he is tied up and alone with me, panic comes to his eyes as he looks back to me trying to figure out what I might do to him.

"What are you going to do? Kill me?" Alexander asks as I sit down on the bed beside him.

"No of course not, you didn't kill me after all. However you did just try and rape my future sister in law and that cannot go unpunished." I say as I show him a dagger I was hiding behind my back.

"Abigail, don't do this, you're not a killer or a mamer." Alexander begged me. "I swear she wanted me, she even asked for me to be with her."

Knowing how Petra was I just raised an eye brow at him. I already knew that he was lying. Still I wondered what else he would tell me. That's when Hermes and Ares came to my mind.

"The two men I saved, where are they?" I question as I take the dagger and put it against his throat.

"Still at the compound, Hermes will fight tomorrow." Alexander replies quite quickly.

"And the other one? Ares?"

"He won't fight, not since he was told you were dead. All he does is stay in his cell, I was going to sell him." Alexander confesses.

Taking the dagger I cut one of the ropes tying him to the bed. Alexander looks at me confused. But as I got closer to him he looked at me with fear in his eyes. Though he only had one hand free he knew I could kill him if I wanted to and trust me I really wanted to at this moment. Still I knew I may be able to use him for information if I needed to and that was more intriguing than killing him, at least at that moment. Leaning in I barely touch my lips to Alexander.

"Consider that the kiss of death, if you lie to me I will kill you but every time you tell the truth one rope will be cut so get comfy you'll be here a while." I say as I pull back and he looks at me with a look I hadn't seen before.

"You're either a demon or a goddess either of which I would love to have as my bride." Alexander states and I just roll my eyes, this man I just threatened to kill just told me he wanted to marry me, good grief.

(Aro Pictured)

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