Part 1

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Abigail's POV

Time travel isn't easy, especially for a newbie like Jason. No matter how many times Fred or myself tried to help him off he went off talking about science and all that. All it did really was give me a headache. We only time traveled to a few years backwards from my own time and Jason did a bit better. Yet all he kept talking about well asking me really was if I was really a witch. The answer was no I wasn't it was all stuff that Fred had set up for me, all smoke and mirrors if you will. Still I didn't have the courage to tell Jason that, instead I just kept my mouth shut. Now here we are training him to fight...he isn't doing to well and that's putting it nicely.

"Oh all the men you could have chose him?" my boss asking looking at me as we watch Jason attempt to fight Fred who anyone could easily take on but Jason is loosing to him. "Were you drunk when you married him by chance?"

"That would make more sense wouldn't it? No I actually wasn't the marriage was a bigger surprise when I woke up and found out I was engaged to him without my own knowledge." I reply as Fred flips Jason to the ground.

"Ancient Rome will chew him up and spit him out, at this point I say divorce his butt and marry a Roman he is just pitiful." Boss says shaking her head.

Jason had his good points, he was kind and caring as well as charming. Fighting he just wasn't good at but would I be able to make up for that loss though? Really I would have to keep my guard up in Ancient Rome to look for Hannah. Sighing I hear Fred say something to Jason probably to get him stirred up and to actually fight back.

"What Abigail married a weak link like you I'll never know. She needs a real man not a Ken doll." Fred says and even I can see the fire in Jason's eyes as he jumps up and punches Fred in the mouth.

"Don't ever speak about my wife like that!" Jason yells as he goes to punch Fred again.

"What do you know? You are his weakness and motivator. Who'd have thunk?" Boss says as she walks out of the room with a grin.

Weakness and motivator. Great another responsibility I needed. Sighing I just cross my arms as Fred and Jason walk my way. It's clear that Jason is mad at Fred for what he said but we did get the desired re action out of him. Shaking my head Jason stops and stares me down and for a moment even I am scared of him.

"I married you because I love you, I may not be the best fighter but I'll be damned if I let someone disrespect or hurt you." Jason says as she grabs my head and forcefully kisses me.

"Good grief dude, I did it on purpose you were giving us a fight at all. We need to make sure that you can defend yourself, Abigail already has this training." Fred states going back to his computer.

Jason didn't seem to listen to Fred as he held me close to his body even after we stopped kissing. Looking up at him yes I admit Jason is handsome and a part of my heart would flutter when he talked to me romantically and now I sound like a total wuss. Keeping his arm around my waist Jason led me to our room. Sleep was something I was in desperate need of so I was happy when he told me he wanted to lay down for a while.

Just as I go to rest my head on the pillow Jason kisses my neck. Oh no I meant really sleep buddy, nothing more and nothing less. I bring the cover up over my neck clearly cutting him off.

"Right just get some rest, we have time for children later." Jason states as he lays down beside me.

I'm pretty sure my eye look like I have seen a ghost now as well. Did he just say children?! Really what makes him think that is something anywhere close to my mind. Oh right, that was pretty normal in the time he was from but not here well at least not for me. Turning back over to Jason I can see his eyes are closed but I know that no one goes to sleep that fast.

"CHILDREN?!" I yell in a bit of a panic and Jason jumps then falls off the bed.

"Yes, that is what I said. Do you not like children?" Jason asks me and for some reason my mind doesn't stop my mouth from blurting out the answer.

"I love children, I always have." my mouth replies and Jason smiles at me, well glad he is happy with that answer.

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