Part 6

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Abigail's POV

As I walked down the hall I still had no idea what I was suppose to do to help Hermes. Lecila wouldn't even look my way when she gave me my orders. Gulping I stood outside the door still afraid he might be sick or something like that. I had no idea what awaited we behind that door. Still I took a deep breath and walked inside to see Hermes was wrapped in a sheet sitting on a chair with his hand on his head. Now I was really confused. He looked fine to me, I mean maybe he had a headache or something?

"Hermes?" I ask as I walk up to him and he looks at me completely surprised. "The she witch sent me here to help you but I have no idea what she means."

Hermes lowers his eyes to the ground and shakes his head. This place just confuses the hell out of me, is it really this hard to get a straight answer?

"She wants me to impregnate her since apparently our master cannot." Hermes laughed. "As If I would want my seed in her!"

Wow, our relationship just went beyond friendship in my mind. The whole seed thing just made me want to laugh honestly but I held it in. Still that had nothing to do with me so why in the hell did the woman send me in here.

"I still don't see what that has to do with me." I state and this makes Hermes stand up while keeping his sheet wrapped around him.

"She heard our talk, usually I would just tell her I couldn't and she would let me leave but now she knows, she knows you look like Elekta and she is using that against me and you." He states but I don't turn his way as I try to process what he just told me.

"Elekta was her name? It was very beautiful. Still how can I help? I really don't understand." I say as I feel Hermes walk my way and his front is now right against my back.

"You remind me of my wife." he tells me touching my hair again. "She wants me to become excited by you and then perform the deed to make her become with child."

Oh...I understood that loud and clear. Lady of the house wanted me to turn on her puppet gladiator so he could impregnate her....this place was fucked up really. Hermes didn't seem to reject the idea as I could feel his breath on my neck but then I felt something wet and hot on my shoulder. Turning to look at Hermes I could see tears in his eyes no matter how hard he tried to hold them back. Dang it now I'm gonna have a guilty concise about this.

"If I don't she told me she'd kill me and you." Hermes tells me and my eyes widen, sheesh was her getting prego really that important?

Without thinking I wipe the tears from his eyes. Hermes was sweet and had never given me any trouble. He was tall too with long blonde wavy hair, heck this guy was a Hollister model if ya asked me. No wonder the lady wanted him so much. What about Ares though and how far did this little whatever thing we had to do go? Looking into his eyes I could see he was desperate.

"I see so much of Elekta in you. If I didn't know better I would say you were her reincarnated." Hermes said brushing the hair from the side of my face as I saw him leaning in, within a matter of moment his lips were on mine.

My head was screaming bad idea! Mayday! Get the heck out of here while you still can but me being the lovely and stupid em-path that I am couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I didn't want Hermes to die but I did want to be his turn on either. The lesser of two evils my body decides to kiss him back and even tangle my hand in his hair. I know I am a horrible person and will be judged harshly for this when I die but at this moment I didn't want anymore death. I could feel Hermes wrap his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. His kiss was surprisingly soft, a bit claiming but for some stupid reason I liked it and I allowed Hermes to think I was Elekta though a part of me knew that he knew I wasn't her.

After a few more things deeper then a kiss but not the actual act we heard the doors burst open and the lady of the house quickly replaced me with herself. Turning away so Hermes wouldn't see me I ran from the room still fully dressed but tears ran down my eyes. Once I was far enough away I backed against a wall as my legs gave out and I slid to the ground. Then I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. Looking up I saw Ares looking at me with an understanding look on his face.

"You do look like Elekta, don't think he lied to you. Hermes was always loyal to her and her memory but now they have you. I swear though Abigail I will protect you." Ares says taking me into his arms. "We will find a way to get you back, you do not belong here love."

I couldn't agree more Ares. I just leaned into his embrace as he continued to comfort me. After a few minutes though I felt him pick me up. Wrapping my arms around his neck Ares smiled as he began to walk up down to the cells. I didn't want to know if Hermes had completed what the lady of the house wanted but one thing was certain, I really wanted to kill her even more. She was at the top of my kill list which believe me wasn't a good thing, little did I know this was just the start of hell.

(Hermes Pictured Above)

Time Jumpers ~Ancient Rome~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora