Part 3

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Abigail POV

Landing was easier this time...or so I thought. Opening my eyes I saw sheets all around me. Sitting up on my elbows I looked around. I was obviously in a room and judging by what I felt under me this was a bedroom. ass. Just as I was about to stand up I could hear sounds coming from the hall. Jumping up I hide behind a post just as a couple comes inside. The woman seems the be against the man but he can't take no for an answer. Why in the world do I always come into a different time right during this situation. This must be a sick joke because of Fred. Looking down I can see I am in a long white dress. Well at least the clothes are light.

"No! My father already told you I am only here to help your mother!" the woman cries as the man pushes the woman right against my pillar...of course.

"Too bad he isn't here to protect you." the man say as he continues to kiss her neck.

Alright that's it, looking around I manage to find a rock. Quickly picking it up I walk forward so that both of them can see me and the man looks at me like a deer in headlights. Well that was what I wanted anyway.

"Get lost your pervert!" I yell at the man who just smiles at me...not the reaction I wanted.

"Another lost little sheep." the man say as he shoves the girl away.

Sheep? Really was I just compared to a farm animal? I mean I get it cause of the white dress but dude I have a rock that I could literally bust your face in with pal! Looking him over I can't tell if he is someone important or not. Then again that is hard to tell from a man only wearing a bloody skirt! Just as he was about to grab me I hear someone else enter.

"Alteron, that's enough, you bother the help and distract them from their chores." another man who actually looks like a roman officer says as he walks up to us. "Leave them be, you have training to do anyway."

Alteron of so he was called gave me a smug look and then turned and walked out of the room. Man I make great first impressions. The man who saved me looked back at me with a odd yet suspicious look on his face. He looked younger I'd say later 20's early 30's and he was well built with trimmed dark brown hair. 

"Who are you?" the man asks me as he looks me over.

"I am called Abigail my lord." I say as I look to the ground.

"Never have I seen you here before nor have I heard your name. Why are you here?" the man questions me as he circles me now.

"I came here to replace my sister my lord, she is older than I and I have come to send her home to take care of our dying mother and I will stay here in her stead." I lied knowing that the only thing that would happen was Hannah would get sent back and I would finish whatever mission she had.

"Hannah, I have heard of this slave, she was sold about a month ago. To Balthrome's family, they train gladiators. One of my men will take you to their home." the man says and then walks out of the room.

Fred she was sent to be with gladiators! You idiot! She should have went to Salem and I got stuck here. Still there was nothing that I could do now. I drop the rock back outside of the room as another man with long curly blonde hair walks inside eating an apple but the moment he sees me the apple falls from his mouth.

"Your...are Hannah's sister?" the man asks me.

"Yes, and you are?" I question right back at him.

"I am called Seb, I was friends with her when she was here but now'll see when I take you there." Seb said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room.

Following Seb we took a chariot type thing that the house hold let us use and began to take what I assumed to be a road to literally the middle of nowhere. There was nothing but sand all around us and there in the distance I could see a tall house.

"That is where the Balthrome's live, just a fair warning for a lady as fair as you. If you know how to use a dagger, don't be a afraid to use it." Seb told me as I began to wonder the horrors that poor Hannah might be going through. "Make sure those idiots know that no means no."

Gulping I nodded my head because how in the world was I suppose to reply to that? What seemed to take only a matter of second but actually took about over four hours we were at the house. I began to pray in my head, somehow some way I would get Hannah back to our time no matter what I had to do. Seb helped me out of the chariot as we went to the side entrance inside I could hear things well moans I would rather not speak of.

"Just pray that Hannah isn't anywhere near the mistress or with one of her lovers." Seb told me as if it were the most natural thing int he world to think.

"oh dear god." I mumble as he opens the door and takes me into the foyer.

The was another slave waiting at the door and Seb began to talk to him and tell him the situation I was in. The slave looked me over and then nodded and walked away. What in the heck am I getting myself into? Would I die here? Like for real die? Then a man with short brown hair who seemed to be skinny and maybe a bit too weird looking came in with a woman who was clearly wearing a bright red wig and walked right up to me.

"You are Hannah's sister? I didn't know she had one or I would have bought you both." the man said with a laugh.

Holding back all my anger and frustartion I just nodded because I really wanted to punch that ass right in his face. He circled me just like any other man from this time period. Making a few comments to his wife i'm guessing.

"She'll do well with the other gladiators won't she?" the man asked his wife.

"They always love new toys, Hannah will love to see her sister again too." the woman said with a grin.

Oh dear god, they had made Hannah one of those slaves?!

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