Part 19

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I remember hitting that hard wall, my head was in so much pain and I could feel something hot on the side of my head. A part of me knew  I was going to die. This wasn't like in the movies where someone could miraculously come in and save me. Or so I thought. I had heard someone bust in the door just as my vision black out and my body fell to the ground. Truthfully I didn't know what would become of me. Perhaps that was the scariest part of all.

"Please awaken sister." I can hear a familiar voice call out to me. "Diana, you can't give up yet, your mission isn't complete."

Whoever was talking certainly knew what they were talking about and they were right. Yes I had managed to get Ares and Hermes out of the stadium but I still need to get Ares homes and Hermes to wherever he wanted to go, if the bracelet hadn't done that already. Now I remember everything and slowly I begin to blink my eyes open. I knew this place, I had woken up here once before.

"Thank the gods you have awakened. Diana or Abigail whichever name you remember it is so good to see your eyes again." Petra told me with a happy smile and red puffy eyes. "We thought that we might lose you."

Everything came back in one big rush, Aro, Petra, saving Ares and Hermes and then getting attacked and dragged into another room. Hitting my head yes all of that but who was the one that came in and saved me? I knew I had heard a loud booming voice and it definitely sounded angry as well. Petra took the rag off of my head. I was shocked when there wasn't any blood on it.

"You've been in and out for about a week, Aro has never left your side and sent away any and all business." Petra says and I look to my left to find Aro slumped over the bed and my heart grows heavy.

"He saved me?" I question in a soft tone not wanting to talk too loud and possibly get a headache.

"Yes, he was furious when he found you in the room with that soldier, it wasn't pretty what he did to him either." Petra said as she thought back upon what had happened. "He sent for the best healers and they have all come and said you had a minor head injury but that they could not tell for sure if you would ever awaken but thank the gods you have comes back to us. You must be starving I will go and get you some food."

Petra quickly stood from the bed and went to find me some food. My attention went right back to Aro who began to stir in his sleep. Carefully and very gently I put my hand on his head and I could have sworn he leaned into my touch. Within a matter of moments his eyes opened and he looked right into my eyes.

"You are awake? Thank the gods." Aro sad taking my hand and placing it against his cheek. "I am so sorry I couldn't get to you faster, the moment I heard the was a commotion with the slaves I had a feeling you were involved and ran down to you as fast as I could."

"I am very thankful for you saving me, I feared that I would die there. What did you have to say to excuse my presence in the slaves quarters?" I ask feeling bad that he now had to create another story off the cuff.

"No worries, I said the slave had taken you to use you as a way pawn for a way to get out. No one said anything else and I was able to take you back here though now that people know you were in going there for preparation for marriage they will think our wedding is very soon." Aro said as he stood up but then sat down on the bed.

Well I did already tell him that I would marry him if I had to and I would stick to that. What about Ares and Hermes though? I know they were on their way out of the stadium but did they ever get out of there?

"Then the wedding will be moved up, what of Ares and Hermes though? Did they make it out safe?" I ask Aro as he looks at me and smiles.

"Ares is here actually, Hermes disappeared though, no one knows where he went but I have a feeling you had something to do with that." Aro answers me almost as if he knew that I had helped Hermes leave this time altogether.

With a clever smile I sit up just as Petra returns with a very happy Ares beside her. Ares runs to the bed and pulls me into a long hug. Aro stands up and goes to his sister and helps her sit down the tray full of food she brought for e as well as a cup and I am guessing wine as well. A part of me really wished that I did have a sister like Petra in my time. Well I kind of did, I had Hannah but she was still recovering.

"You had us all very worried, plus that was crazy trying to come in and save me. Petra had to drag Aro off the man who assaulted you though he definitely deserved it. That was crazy Diana!" Ares said as he held me close.

"Ares, let go of her. If another servant sees another man hugging my brothers soon to be wife, it won't end well." Petra advised as she poured a drink.

"Petra, we need you to plan a wedding, everyone knows of Diana going to prepare for marriage now we need to make them believe there is a real marriage." Aro said and Petra starts talking about ideas for the wedding and counting on her fingers.

"Married? Abigail, you can't stay here, Your mission." Ares tells me.

"I still have two men to send back, you are just one of three. I know the second is one of Alexander's guards and what better way to get him here then a wedding?" I question with a shrug.

"You mean the man you had tied to a bed?" Aro asks making sure he was thinking of the right man.

"Oops, I forgot about him, he maybe dead." I sigh in defeat.

"No one of the other slaves he seduced set him free and as far as we know he is back to causing chaos for the gladiators." Petra says as she makes a plate of food for me while still talking about wedding things as well.

"Sounds like we have a wedding to plan." Ares says with a roll of his eyes. "Once we find the second guy then what?"

"I haven't gotten that far yet..." I reply as the entire room looks at me, yeah no pressure.

(Bedroom how I see it pictured above)

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