Part 17

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The next morning Petra arrived in my room to help me get dressed in the costume. You know for goddess of the hunt she may want think about wearing just a wee bit more clothing, then again who am I to judge? Petra knew the costume inside and out apparently being told by her brother. Still the fabric felt like satin and to be honest it wasn't uncomfortable.

"You just need to nod your head, I will do all the talking. Pretend to be the blushing soon to be bride that you really aren't." Petra giggled as she finished whatever she was doing to my hair. "You mask is the most important of this disguise, never take it off, only a select few know about you and my brother and it is very unlikely they will be where we are going.''

There was no problem there, I don't think I would want anyone down there to know who I was or what I looked like for that fact. Petra took out a box and slowly opened it, inside was a decorated mask that was very well painted and decorated. Taking the mask out of the box Petra quickly put it over my face.

"You can do this, have faith in yourself." Petra said as she gave me a hug,

Well now I was definitely on edge if I wasn't before. Walking out of my room I saw Aro waiting at the grand doors of his home. He didn't look happy about our plan but either way he knew I would do what I had to.Looking out to the awaiting chariot Aro led the way as Petra and I followed. Never having been to the arena I wasn't sure what the expect still I had to keep my cool, well what I had left of it at least.

Finally we arrived at the Arena, stadium whatever you wanted to call it. One thing I could tell you though was it was definitely intimidating. The chariot stopped and Aro was the first to leave, I wasn't sure where he was going since Petra held my arm tight and began to lead me the opposite direction of where Aro went. Everywhere I looked there were guards which I'll admit made me panic just a little as we were stopped right in front of an iron door with a greedy looking man in front of it.

"What would two nobles like yourselves be doing in a place like this?" the little man said with a wide grin on his face.

"I am here to take her for a little pre bridal training, could you possibly find Hermes and direct him to a spare room?" Petra said taking charge of the situation.

"Hermes huh, well I suppose, he doesn't fight for a while but it'll cost you lady." the man said and without another word Petra handed him a bag of small gold coins. "Right well follow me and you can help the young mistress prepare for her gladiator."

Petra nodded as the man opened the iron door and led us inside, after passing the first three rooms of which I could hear every single noise and moan a part of me was blushing like a true virgin. Petra hugged my arm closer to her as we came to the fourth room which had only a bed and what looked to be a washing basin, this for all that money? Heck I'd say we got screwed in our deal.

"This shall be her room and I shall bring Hermes myself momentarily." the greed man said as we walked inside and he took off running to find Hermes.

"I can only imagine what has happened in this room and all thoughts make me want to hurl." I say through the mask as Petra just laughs and looks around the room.

"Don't imagine it then. Get Hermes out then sneak out if you can. If not say he ran off and come find me or Aro." Petra said just as the door opened again and even through the mask I could easily see it was a beatten down and almost unrecognizable Hermes.

"Shall we give them some privacy?" Petra said leading the greedy man out of the room as Hermes stood in the center of the room.

"Don't tell me you are the blushing bride whom I am to help prepare for marriage?" Hermes says a bit harshly as he looks down at the ground.

"Not exactly, lets just say I'm a guardian angel come back to help her savior." I say as I remove the mask and Hermes looks up instantly knowing my voice and runs over to me and holds me in his arms.

"thank god Aro has kept his promise, oh Abigail what are you doing here? They will kill you if they find out who you are!" Hermes tells me a little upset.

Shaking my head I take off the bracelet that Fred gave me to help Hermes and strap it onto his arm while he looks at me as if I had gone mad which in this case I might agree with him.

"Where is Ares? I need to know to get him out as well." I ask him and Hermes sighs.

"Three levels down about to be sold off to the highest bidder. What did you strap on my wrist?" He asks looking at the bracelet.

"Your freedom, pick any time and anyplace and the bracelet will take you there. Do not go backwards in time or you might end up re writting something important." I tell him as I see clear doubt in his eyes. "You deserve to be free Hermes."

"No, let me at least get you to Ares then I will go, I can't let you be the hero all by yourself." Hermes tells me as I roll my eyes.

Taking the ring Fred gave me I throw it on the ground and a carbon copy of Hermes appears only he is unable to talk all he will do is stand in for the real one for only fifteen minutes. Wow I really wish that I had asked Fred for more time on that now!

"Fine, let the double take you place and you take me to Ares now!" I tell Hermes who nods.

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