You Found Me....

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Tyler's POV:
6:30 AM

I tried to get to school early today only so Y/N could see me with Jen. Jenna agreed to seeing me at school today. I walked into the school and seen Jenna halfway through the hall.

"Hey babe!" She squealed.

"Uh-hi" I mumbled choking back tears. "L-Lets go."

I walked to my locker and seen Y/N and Todd standing by her locker which was 3 lockers down from mine. He looked over at me and smirked as he pressed a kiss against her lips.

I felt anger build up inside of me and I badly wanted to go and punch Todd in the neck but I tried my hardest to keep my cool. She has no idea how badly I wanted that to be me kissing her. I miss her, it's been forever since I've been able to love her and it's my stupidity for letting her go. If I ever get her back I won't ever let her go. She matters far too much to me and I can't lose her again after this.

I didn't know what to do but I had to go in with this plan so I hesitantly pressed a kiss against Jenna's lips. Out of the corner of my eyes I seen Y/N look at me and her with disgust.

"No" I said as I pulled away from the kiss. "No this isn't right!"

People began to stare and I knew exactly what was happening. I was having a break down and a panic attack put together. I seen Y/N look at me like I'm crazy.

I ran off into the bathroom and began to melt down. Everything I wanted and needed was gone. I couldn't even pretend that I wanted to be with Jenna... because I didn't.

15 minutes later I heard the bathroom door swing open.

"Tyler? Are you in here?" I heard Josh's voice echo through the restroom.

I opened my stall door.

"Yes." I mumbled lifelessly.

"Tyler you've gotta go find Y/N!"

"What? W-why?" I asked.

Something had to be up. Josh always had a certain look on his face and a certain tone in his voice that told me when something was seriously wrong.

"Well after you left she broke down. She fell to the ground crying. I tried to stop her and talk to her but I lost her in the crowded hallway. I'm worried and I don't think sh-"

I didn't even let him finish when I found myself bolting out the bathroom door and running as fast as I could through the halls. I HAD to find her! I needed to find her.

I ran everywhere when I finally found her in the school theatre. Nobody but her was in there and I could hear her cries echoing throughout it. It was under construction so I'm guessing that's why she went in there.... she knew nobody would go in there.

I ran up to her and held her.

"Y/N!" I cried.

"Tyler I'm sorry." She cried into my shoulder. "I'm sorry I couldn't be enough for you. Seeing you with Jenna kills me I can't live without you!"

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"I can't take this" she mumbled. "I am on the edge of killing myself."

I felt her words hit me like a punch in the face and I felt like I was gonna puke.

"No! This is all my fault!" I cried. "If your Gone I don't know what I'll do. You need to be okay!"

"I'm not! Tyler I'm not okay and you never realize that and I-I just can't take this! You act like your waiting for me to be all better but I'm not! I don't know if I ever will be!" She yelled.

"No. it's okay for you not to be okay, love." I said softly, tears rolling down my cheeks. "... but I will make sure your okay. I won't give up on you til you are and I don't know how but from now on it's my job to make you feel like you are worth it and that you are perfect just how you are! I love you and I don't ever want to lose you again! I can't."

She smiled at me with brightness in her eyes as if I had just said something that had saved her.... as if I finally understood and helped her. I felt warmness inside me from that smile.

I love her. From now on it's my #1 priority to make her feel like she is lovely.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed these last chapter as it may OR may not be the last chapters in THIS book BUT.... how do y'all feel about having a second book?

Also... I'm working on my next book which is just going to be another Tyler Joseph Fic because that's honestly what I got the most requests for (thank you to Arianna for the idea/theme of the Fic) and Im positive it'll be out next weekend if your interested in reading the first like 5-8 chapter :)

Anyways, love you all.


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