I Will Fix You

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Tyler's POV:

"W-what happened?" I asked Josh as I stepped outside to talk to him.

"It's Y/N." He began. He looked extremely hurt. "She is depressed, scared, hurt, suicidal..... She is broken."

"W-what?" I asked as I began to cry.

"You hurt her. All she wants is you! She can barely talk to anyone without crying. At the hospital she wasn't that bad but now.... Now it's gotten so much worse! She might even.... Kill herself."

After I heard that.... My heart shattered. A girl like her didn't deserve to feel so down. She didn't deserve to be hurting.

I began to run. I didn't reply I just ran and ran and ran until I got to Y/N's house. I can't let her do this! Not again.
Never again!
I couldn't help but feel like this was my fault! All my fault. I need her to live! I need her to stay alive.

When I arrived to her house I didn't see any cars. I knocked hard several times on the door but no answer. I backed up to see Y/N's bedroom light on along with the bathroom light.

"Answer me!!" I screamed and cried as I banged once more on the door. Still no answer.
I had to take matters into my own hands before something very bad would happen.

I lightly checked to see if it was unlocked.... It was. I swung open the door and stepped inside.

"Hello!??" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

No reply.

"Y/N!! Answer me!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs.

I checked her bedroom once only to see a room without anyone in it.

I ran out and went to the closed bathroom door. The light was on but nobody was answering.

"Y/N!" I cried as I tried opening it only to realize it was locked.

I slammed my hand against the door hard.

"Damnit Y/N, Open up!!" I almost screamed.

She still didn't answer.

I ran all over the place looking for something, anything, to unlock the bathroom door. It felt like this took forever but in reality this only took about a minute or so.
Finally, I found a small pin in which I took, stuck in the little hole on the door knob and moved around. I shoved the door open as Y/N was sitting in front of it.

a bunch of small pills went flying everywhere.

"Damnit, Tyler!!! Look what you did!" She screamed as tears streamed down her face. "You should've just let me die!"

Her eyes were completely bloodshot, she was wearing shorts which revealed fresh cuts and had a now empty pill bottle in her hand.
The cuts on her legs were very Small and thin but were all over the place.

"Y/N," I rasped as tears fell down my cheeks. "I love you so much, please don't do this!"

I crouched down to hold her as she cried into my shoulder.

"You don't love me! You think I cheated on you!" She cried. "He kissed me! Don't hate me! I didn't even kiss him back!"

"I could never hate you! I understand now! I love you, beautiful. Don't do this to yourself!" I said as I kissed her forehead.

"No! Stop!" She yelled slowly standing up onto her feet backing away from me. "You don't love me! You don't love me at all! Nobody could love me! I'm a fat disgusting pig!"

This wasn't true! I do love her and she is so far from that. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I have loved her since the day I met her. I have fallen hard for her and I know I have only known her for about four months but I love her.... I really do.

"No, baby girl! I love you!" I said sternly as I walked towards her and hugged her tightly as she placed her head in the crook of my neck. "It's gonna be okay. Go sit down I'll clean this up. I said directing her to her bedroom sitting her on her bed as she cried more and more.
I could tell she was seriously hurt. It broke my heart and tore me apart to see her like this. To see her so hurt.

I began to pick up each tiny pill that was scattered across the bathroom floor and wipe up a few drops of blood beside it.
I can't believe that.... If Josh didn't come to my house... My pride and Joy wouldn't be here right now. He was texting me non-stop to see what was going on.

Jishwa 😎: Is everything Okay?
Jishwa 😎: Hello? What's happening?
Jishwa 😎: is Y/N okay?
Jishwa 😎: Tyler Answer me!

I could tell he was extremely worried and hurt. Y/N meant so much to both of us. It was insane how you could know someone for such a short amount of time yet they can change your life so much. I thank God for her every single night. I love her so much.

Me: Hey, Josh. Everything is good now. Don't worry. Thanks. :)

I didn't wanna tell him about this situation, it would've been disrespectful to Y/N.
After I finished cleaning up I went into her bedroom to see her. She was sitting there looking terrified and alone. My heart melted. She may have been crying for a long time but she looked absolutely beautiful.

"T-Tyler," she began. "I am so sorry. This was all a big misunderstanding.... I never would have done that! You must hate me n-"

I cut her off with a kiss pressed against her soft lips. It took a big weight off of my shoulder doing that. Man, I love her so much.

"No, sweetie. I know you wouldn't do that, Y/N. I love you and I get that it was a big misunderstanding. Your not that type of girl and I trust you. Your okay now." I blurted as I cuddled up to her and held her tightly in my arms.

"N-no I'm not. Ty, I'm not okay. I'm sad, I'm depressed, I'm alone.... I want to die! I'm not okay I don't see any reason to live anymore... You deserve someone way better than me! I'm not okay!" She cried.

"Well then I will fix you! And I won't give up until you are okay. It may take a while but it is my job to make you feel special. I will make you believe you are lovely! Please take me back, Y/N."

"O-okay. I'm just scared! O-Once you begin to date someone.... The magic is gone!" She frowned.

What!? Hell no! I am gonna make it my job to make her feel like the princess she is! I love this girl! I always have and I always will!

"No sweetheart, the magic has just begun. I promise you that a day won't go by that I don't show my love to you. No matter what you will always be my number one girl." I said as I kissed her cheek causing her to blush.

"I love you Ty." She smiled and cuddles up closer to me.

"Come to school tomorrow. I can't keep skipping or I'll get in trouble." I mumbled, slightly laughing.

"Okay. But can we just lay here? I'm drained." She whispered as she closed her eyes.

"Yes." I whispered kissing her forehead.

And with that we were both asleep.

I will fix her. I will try my hardest to make each day a little bit better for her. I'd die for her.

Tyler Joseph X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now