An Unforgettable Night pt. 1

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After the show we decided to go get some TacoBell. We always went to TacoBell. It was our favorite place to go.

"You guys did amazing tonight!" I cheered. "You blew me away once again so congrats for impressing me." I joked clapping my hands.

"Why thank you Miss. Y/L/N! Much appreciated." Josh said sophisticatedly.

"Can I just say Damn?" Tyler smirked looking me up and down. "You look smoking hot m'lady." He whistled.

My cheeks flushed red and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I knew I wasn't beautiful but he sure knew how to make a girl feel special.

"And you look quite fine as well if I do say so myself." I smirked shooting him an awkward wink.

"Okay okay! We get it! You two are in love can we order now!" Josh joked motioning towards the counter at TB.

We ate our food and then Josh went home. Me and Tyler decided to just go for a walk under the stars. It was only 9:36 PM but the stars were shining very bright.

"Hey, Y/N." Tyler mumbled.

"Yes, Ty?"

"I uh... I am sorry for hurting you before. It has been eating me up inside and I just can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about you in the hospital and how that was my fault and I ju-"

I cut him off with a long hard kiss. He seemed sort of shocked at first but soon began to kiss me back. It was the perfect kiss... Nobody pulled away too soon but it wasn't too long. We pulled away at the exact same moment.

"Don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault! I love you, Tyler Joseph!"

"And I love you, Y/N  Y/L/N." He said softly pulling me in for a hug.

He pulled away from the hug but quickly intertwined his fingers with mine as we walked back to his house.

When we got to his house he stopped me on the porch only to give me a long hard kiss.

It seemed like we had been kissing forever until the door flung open.

"Well, Well, Well... Look who it is! The cutest couple on the block! I always knew you two would end up together." His sister, Madison said smirking.

"Hey Mads how you doing?" I said awkwardly as I put my fist out for her to bump.

"I'm great! This is so entertaining! I already knew Tyler liked you but I never thought a girl like you.... Would date a guy like him!"

"Ouch, Maddie." Tyler smirked. "How rude...."

"Come in...." Maddie said moving out of the way for us to get in.

"Yo Maddie where is mom and dad?" Tyler asked as he walked towards the stairs.

"They went to pick up grandma and grandpa from the airport, they'll be back in about an hour or so," she replied.

"Great! You get to meet my grandparents!" He said sarcastically. "They are great! They'll love you.... Their hobbies are picking on me for being too weak, skinny and funny looking." He joked.

"Isn't that what all grandparents do?" I laughed.

"Pretty much!" He giggled. "Madison, tell mom and dad Y/N is staying over tonight!"

I didn't tell him I was staying over but I guess he just decided that I was. That was okay. I loved being with Tyler and his parents were always so sweet!

"Will do!" Maddie nodded as we went upstairs into his bedroom.

When we got into his bedroom I plopped onto his bed as he sat next to me. I looked onto his bedroom floor to see an old scrap book.

"We are SO looking through this!" I laughed picking it up.

I began to flip through it before he could stop me and came across so many funny pictures.

I came across one of him and his brother in a tent.

"What's this from?"

"That's from when me and my family went camping when I was just a kid." He smiled. "Good times."

"You know what's crazy?" I smirked staring from the book to him.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"I have never been camping!"


"Nope! Well I went once when I was like three but I don't remember a thing!"

"That's crazy!" He smirked as his smile slowly got bigger and he popped up out of his seat. "Follow me!!" He said running down the stairs towards his basement.

"Ty! Where are we going?" I exclaimed chasing after him.

Soon enough we got into his basement and he grabbed a bag. He ran back up the stairs and opened the door to his back yard.

"Stay here!" He smiled hugely at me. "I'll be right back."

After about 15 minutes of awkwardly waiting on his couch his back door flung open.

"Come on!" He said holding out his hand for me to grab.

When we got outside my heart melted. I couldn't believe my eyes.

In front of me was a big tent set up with blankets inside of it and a little fire going in the fire pit beside it. On the ground he had a bag of marshmallows and sticks.  

"Oh my goodness! Ty what's all this?" I cheered.

"Well.... Since you've never REALLY had the camping experience, I am gonna give it to you!" He smiled and looked into my eyes. "Tonight, we are gonna camp out here!"

Words can't explain how much I love this boy. He always goes above and beyond for me. How did I of all people get so lucky.

"Thank you so much, Tyler!!" I exclaimed hugging him tightly.

"Hey! Anything for my beautiful girlfriend!" He smirked.

After a few hours of sitting by the fire, eating marshmallows and talking we decided it was time to go into the tent.

"I have to change!" I blurted. "Look away you perv!"

I took out a loose crop top and shorts from the bag I brought with me. I always brought a bag of extra clothes with me to his house just in case.

After I finished changing he looked over at me.

"Dang girl," he smirked looking me up and down. "You lookin fine" he whistled.

When he talked like that it had always turned me on. Damn I love him.

He took off his shirt and I couldn't help but stare.

"Okay, okay! I know I have nice boobs but you don't have to be a perv!" He joked.

"Oh shut up you goof!" I laughed lightly punching him in the arm.

"I know I say this a lot..." Tyler said leaning in closely to my face causing me to breath heavily. "But I love you and nothing in this world could stop me from loving you. Your the only one for me."

Before I knew it our lips were pressed together hard and Tyler's hands were pressed hard against my hips. This was a different kind of kiss. It wasn't slow and steady but fast and sloppy. Not sloppy in a disgusting way but it was nice. It was different.


This was nice! This was different! Lmao okay so I don't really know what's too far for you guys.... I did in fact put warnings in the description but I just wanna know what y'all wanna see more of.... Please let me know cause I don't wanna mess it up you know? You want more fluff? More smut? MORE WHAT? Let me know! K love ya! XXX

p.s~ I will be updating lots tomorrow but I'm super tired now!! Thanks!

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