How Can I Escape This? Pt. 2

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I laid there feeling the blood poor out of my wrist and tears fall down my cheeks. Soon enough my vision became blurry and everything stopped. Finally.

Finally this is all over!

Tyler's POV:

I was upset, how could she do this to me? I love Y/N but I never would have thought I'd find her doing something like this.

As much as I was upset at what she had done, I still love her. I knew something was seriously wrong with her. I could hear it in her voice. I needed to find her and quick before she could do anything too bad.
I cannot have her dying on me. I love this girl far too much to see her hurt and I feel horrible for not letting her talk. I feel horrible for not letting her tell me what was going on. This all could just be a big misunderstanding and I may have triggered something bad on her once again. Why am I such a fuck up?

I ran to the school grounds. When she called me it sounded as if she were outside or something. I looked everywhere around the school but she was no where to be found. I began to walk to her house when all of a sudden I heard something hit the ground in the small, empty forest close to our school.
I look over and what I saw made my heart beat as hard as it could, tears sweltered in my eyes, and I felt as if my world was over.
There she was, laying lifeless with a huge puddle of blood around her.

"No!!!!" I screamed to the sky. "Help!!"

I picked her up and tried my hardest to get her to wakeup.... But there was no response to my actions.

I took my phone out of my pocket and began to call an ambulance.

"Please be okay." I whispered to myself.

Y/N's POV:

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

I heard.

I tried to open my eyes but.... It seems to be impossible! The light burned my eyes.

Again? This has to be heaven because there's no way I made it out alive!!! I had to be dead!

I finally can bring myself to open my eyes even tho the light burns.

Everything is blurry at first but when I open my eyes I see Tyler and a nurse standing there.

"W-what?" I began. "W-why? Why am I h-here?"

"Y/N! thank God your alive!!" Tyler blurted as he rushed over to me giving me a hug.

"Stop!" I yelled.

I'm mad. Everything about this sucks! I didn't want to live! Why? What's the point in living? To be hurt? To be let down? To constantly be sad? No way! I can't do this!
And NOW Tyler acts as if he cares? He didn't care before? I needed him but of course not.... Of course he wasn't there for me.

"W-what?" He rasped. "What do you mean, Y/N?"

"You never cared!!! How did I get here?" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"I found you and brought you here."

"Thanks a lot! I didn't wanna live!! Get out! Leave!!" I screamed.

I was extremely mad.

Tyler just stood there.

"Sorry but you need to leave," the nurse informed as she lead him out of my room.

I cannot do this anymore!


My phone was ringing. It was Josh.


"Hey! Y/N! Do you and Ty wanna come over? Tyler is totally ignoring my texts."

Shit! He must not have known that I'm here.... Ty didn't tell him.

"J-Josh...." I paused as I began to cry.

"Y/N? What's going on?"

"I um... I'm in the hospital again." I cried.

He didn't reply I just heard him crying. Josh didn't show it much but he is a pretty sensitive guy.

"Josh p-please don't cry... I'm okay, really." I whispered into the phone softly.

"No-no your not! I'm coming! I'll be right there! Where's Tyler?"

"I-I think me and Tyler are done...."


"It's okay."

"See you soon"

I hated this whole situation! I wish I was dead! I was sure it had worked. Why was Tyler even in the forest? Ugh!

Tyler's POV:

She forced me out. Once again this is all my fault! I should be the one in the hospital not her! She doesn't deserve to be hurt! She obviously really needed me.... I let her down. I knew this was all probably just a big misunderstanding. Of course I didn't listen to what she said! I'm such an idiot!!!

Josh was texting me like crazy. It wasn't often that I had ignored his texts but I couldn't answer now. I felt numb. Knowing that Y/N will be out of the hospital tonight yet.... She won't be with me. She won't be in my arms.... She won't even be my girlfriend. I screwed up, like I always do! I don't deserve a girl as great as her!

"You don't deserve her!"

"Your too ugly for her! She is beautiful she deserves a real man!"

"Grab it! You know you want to!"

"Look at yourself! You really think you should live!?"

"NO! BlurryFace!! Your not real leave me alone!"

"I'm real!"

The voice replied.

"Tyler! Dinner time honey!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I'm lucky my mom called me for dinner or I don't know what would have happened.

"Ty? Are you okay? You look sick, buddie." My father said from the other side of the table.

"I'm fine."

After dinner I heard a knock on the door. It was Josh.

"What Did You Do!!?" He yelled at me.

Something seriously wrong must've been going on. Josh never acted like this unless something bad was happening. Something very bad.... But what? Y/N wasn't in the hospital anymore.... What could i have done?

Tyler Joseph X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz