Just Friends pt.1

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"So..." Josh breathed. "What do you guys wanna do?"

    I looked up at the tree where me Tyler, and Josh sat everyday after school. They were basically my only friends at school, I was okay with that tho..... I hated everyone else..... Well except for Todd of course. Todd was the guy I liked. He was funny, hot, cute, and overall perfect. Except... He was a total jock. And jocks didn't date girls that were like me.... I wasn't really "popular" at school. I was just me.

"I don't know." I mumbled staring at Todd playing football in the distance.

"Ugh." Tyler said in disgust. "Are you really look at 'Todd'?"

I knew Tyler liked me.... He always has. I mean he wasn't subtle about it either! Between the cheesy compliments and quirky jokes I'm not really sure if he was even trying to hide it from me. Don't get me wrong, Tyler is a very sweet guy! But he I guess I just have my eyes set on this one guy.

"Yes! Is that a problem with you, Tyler!?"

"No. No. He is just a disgusting pig, that's all."

"Whatever, Ty."

Tyler was always really over protective of me especially when it came to other guys. Often times he would even get jealous of me and Josh!!

"Wanna go to Taco Bell?" Josh blurted out of no where.

"Hell yes! How 'bout you Y/N?" Tyler asked jumping up to his feet.

"Yeah I'm down for that."


       After we had Taco Bell it was time for me to go home. I was not looking forward to that seeing as me and my parents didn't really get along that great anymore. I was always doing something wrong and to them I was just a joke.

I opened the front door to see my dad sitting on the sofa with an angry look on his face.

"What!?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"We got a call from your your math teacher!" My dad says beginning to raise his voice.

I stood there not saying a word. I knew what was up. I was failing.

"He told me that you are failing in TWO areas!" He shouted. "Do you know how embarassing that is, Y/N!?"

I was thinking of all the things I wanted to say. The words were there. But they just wouldn't come out. I knew if I said anything my dad would just yell even more and more and say even more hurtful things.

"You an embarrassment! Your not gonna go anywhere in life if you keep this up!" He shouted throwing his fist down on the table across from the couch.


I stopped because I knew I was gonna cry. I ran out of the living room and up to my bedroom. I slammed the door and sat in the corner with my knees against my chest, feeling my heart beat faster and faster. The voices in my head were back.

"Grab it, Y/N" they said.

"go away! Your not real!" I said get angry.

"We both know that I am real." The voices said getting louder as multiple tears ran down my face.

*buzz* *buzz*

My phone went off.

It was Tyler! Thank god!

Tyler Joseph X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora