The Plan

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Tyler's POV:

I knew Y/N. I hated seeing her with another guy but I knew her weaknesses. As badly as I wanted to give up, and end my life, I knew I couldn't. I could never give up on her. Something about this girl made me smile when nobody else could, she made my world brighter, and I most definitely was not just going to give her away to some douchebag with nice flowing hair and big muscles..... nah, I had to win her back this time..... and I knew just how to do it.

I heard a loud knock at my door as I was lying in my bed. I rushed down the stairs and let my best friend, Josh, in the house.

"What your plan du-"

I cut him off, "just follow me!"

We ran up to my room and I plopped onto my bed.

"Aight, what is it?" He sighed sitting down on the chair in my room.

"I love Y/N.... right?" I began, "and I don't wanna lose her... I can't. You wouldn't let me right?"

"Yea, yea, yea. No shit! Now what's the point?"

I could tell by Josh's tone of voice that he was still pretty upset with what I had done.

"I know I'd never do anything like this any other time but.... everything on the line!! The love of my life! My only happiness!!" I exclaimed as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Tyler, please! Just tell me what the plan is...."

I couldn't reply because I honestly couldn't be more mad at myself for even thinking of it. It was horrible. It was an awful thing to do... to myself AND to Y/N.

"I'll get back with Jen to win her back." I mumbled as guilt took over my body.

Joshua looked shocked.

"T-Tyler. I don't know if that a good idea I mean I-"

"It's the only idea I have! I need her Josh, don't you understand that she means everything to me!?" I almost yelled.

"Yes. She means a lot to me to... but that would probably just hurt her even more." Josh said with a soft voice.

I didn't know what to do or think honestly. I know it was a horrible thing to even think of doing but I just couldn't handle not being with her. Jen went to our school and was in quite a few classes with both me and Y/N. I knew this would make her jealous but I'm an asswhole for doing it. I guess this is my only choice tho, really. I couldn't think of anything else!  I guess you could say it was an emergency. I couldn't lose her.

"I-I need this. I need her and I messed up bad this Time, Josh. I'm broken. SHE is broken." I muttered as tears fell down my cheeks and josh comforted me.

"I understand, buddie. It'll be alright. I promise." Josh mumbled.


I brought out my phone and texted Jenna.

Me: Hey Jenna. It's Tyler... I was thinking about our relationship and... I really miss you.

I sent it and suddenly felt like I was gonna pass out. I don't want her! I want Y/N!

*beep* *beep*

My phone startled me as my text tone went off. I silently picked up my phone to read her message.

Jenna: awe I miss you too Ty! I've been waiting for you to realize that we were meant for eachother

"I-uh... I guess this is actually happening." I said with a shaky voice.

Tyler Joseph X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now