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4:30 am

I still couldn't fall asleep. The messages were going through my mind over and over. It's all I could think about. Everything  almost sounded quieter. I could hear the buzzing from my phone going off.     
|tyler had still been trying to reach me|  but it sounded.... Distant.

"You are disgusting! No wonder he did this." I heard a voice say.

It was blurry. BlurryFace is the voice in my head. Blurry has all my insecurities, doubts, and fears. Everyone has a BlurryFace. It's just different for some.

"Go away! Your not real!!" I shouted.

"We both know I'm very real!"

I just sat there rocking back and forth, terrified, feeling worthless.

"I know a way you could fix this. Grab it!"

"Do it."

"Go on. Grab it"

The voice In my repeated over and over.

I got up and went Up to my dresser. I opened the third drawer and grabbed this cold sharp metal blade I had hiding in there.

I pressed it to my skin and dragged it across. Hard.

Everything after that was a blur.

I laid there on my bedroom floor. Everything looked blurry and all of a sudden I heard two voices. They sounded like they were in my slow motion. I couldn't see anything but the voices sounded.... Familiar.

"Josh! Call 911, now!" I heard one of them say.

After that I don't remember anything that happened. Finally.
*Beep* *beep* *beep*
I heard a heart monitor.

That wasn't mine was it? I had to have been dead! I was sure that it had worked this time! I was almost positive.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Tyler and Josh sitting next to me.

"Tyler?" I muttered under my breath.

"Oh my god! Y/N! Your awake." Tyler said standing up.

"Hi josh." I said smiling at Josh in the corner. He was quiet. Very quiet.
He smiled back at me and nodded as in to say hi. He looked nervous.

"I-I am gonna step out for a minute or two. To give you guys some privacy." Josh stuttered.

"This! This is all my fault!" Tyler panicked.

"I-it's not your fault, ty"

"Yes! It is my fault! I'm so sorry, Y/N! I never should have texted Jen back! I just didn't know what to say."

As he said that all the memories came flashing back and a tear rolled down my cheek.

I was silent.

"Say something." Tyler muttered with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Please."

"Leave! Get out! Now!" I cried.

"Please don't make me go!" He begged. Tears ran down his cheeks fast.

It tore me apart to see him like this. I just wanted to die. Nothing ever seemed to work.

I didn't say anything I just cried. Silently. Tyler crawled into the bed next to me, holding me tightly. I laid my head on his chest. It was nice. It was what I needed.

"Am I not good enough?" I asked quietly.

"No! That's not it at all. I love you. Your perfect to me."

Tyler Joseph X ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant