AUTHORS NOTE/// An Apology

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Hello, you guys.

Let me start off by saying I do enjoy writing, and I do enjoy writing this for YOU guys.

If it weren't for you guys this would be pointless for me to write.
I don't write this just for me to see I write it for anybody to see.

I put hard work into this and I cannot handle a lot of hate or accusations right now.
I'm not going to be saying anything but I have gotten a few PM's or comments that have bugged me. Now I have nothing against these people at all okay? I'm sure they are great in face two of these people have been fans of this book but I need to address something for you all.

First of all I write my own material and put work into it. I don't copy others work and I do not have any intentions of copying somebody else's work.

Second of all I know my writing is not perfect. So if you think it is "tacky" or "awkward" or "not well written" simply do not read it.

I am addressing this because I am a tad upset/annoyed.
I'm thinking maybe it's not worth it to go on with this book anymore and maybe I should just delete this.

I do enjoy it but if people are feeling this way about it maybe I just shouldn't. I never meant to hurt anybody or make people feel this way about my writing I just wanted to write and be happy with my writing and honestly I'm not happy with it anymore.
People are making me feel as if it's not good enough or it's not original.

I'm not sure what to do but I'm so sorry if you feel that way.

I'll keep you updated on my decision. XoXo.

Tyler Joseph X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now