Its A Date

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After a long day in hell the final bell rang which meant it was time for me and the rest of these mutant children to leave this horrible, horrible place.
Me and Tyler decided to meet up outside and we would walk to TacoBell.

"Hey handsome!" I said as I walked towards him rapping my arms around him.

"Hey beautiful." He replied. "Shall we go?" He said holding out his hand for me to hold onto.

"We shall!" I giggled as I intertwined my fingers with his.

The walk there was really peaceful. It was full of tons of conversation. Even though we were talking a lot I could tell something was eating Tyler up inside.

"Babe, are you alright?" I asked stopping dead in my tracks and facing him.

"Yea I-I'm okay." He assured.

"I'm not gonna make you tell me.... But I do know something is wrong. What's up?" I asserted.

He began to look all over the place and his eyes began to tear up.

"I'm not okay." He whispered.

At this point he was balling his eyes out. My heart shattered as I heard him say those three words. It hurt me a lot.

"Honey, you will be okay. I'll make sure your okay. Remember what you told me?"

He slowly nodded through the tears.

"I love you, Y/N." He cried as I grabbed him and held him tightly.

"I love you too, TyTy." I said as I kissed him softly on the lips. "Now, maybe some good ol' Taco Bell will make you feel a little better, yea?"

He grabbed my hand and we continued to walk.

After we ate our Taco Bell and walked around for a couple more hours it was about 6:30

"Hey, Ty, we should probably get home yea?" I stopped.

"I don't wanna leave you." He sighed.

He looked extremely sad. I didn't wanna leave him either. I never wanted to.

"I don't wanna leave you either, Tyler but your parents are probably expecting you home for dinner." I asserted as I squeezed his hand.

"Okay.... Give me a second." He muttered releasing my hand and grabbing his phone as he dialled a number.

"Hey mom. Y/N is gonna stay for dinner."


"Yes, Mom see you soon."

He said to his mom as he hung up the phone.

"Oh your staying for dinner tonight!" He giggled.

"I am? I don't remember agreeing to that?" I joked.

"Please!! I really want you too!" He begged cutely. "We are ordering Chinese food!!!"

"Awww your cute when you do that!" I giggled. "Fine!! How could I pass up Chinese food?"

"Thank you!" He smiled as he kissed me on the forehead. "I love you."

"Love you too, Tyjo." I replied.

When we arrived at Tyler's house Tyler's whole family was sitting in their living room. His family usually ate at the table but since they were ordering food they just ate on the sofa.

"Hey! You two are just in time! Pop a squat!" His dad, Chris cheered.

"How was your day guys?" Kelly asked.

"Pretty good." Tyler answered.

"Good." I smiled. "How was your day Mrs. Joseph?"

"Mine was pretty good! Jeez your so respectful.... don't you know you can call me Kelly by now?" She giggled.

I love Ty's mom. She is such a warming, sweet and understanding lady. Always so kind.

I awkwardly giggled as we began to eat.

"So...." Zack began. "Have you decided to breakup with Tyler yet? Have you realized how much of a weirdo he is?"

What a little shit. I love this lil goof but he is still a little shit.

"Zack! That is very rude! apologize to your brother right now!" His mother scolded.

"Was just saying she deserved someone a little less.... You know... Tyler!?" He laughed.

"Zack!" His mother warned once more.

"Okay, okay! Sor-ry!"


after about fifteen minutes we all finished eating.

"Hey mom we are gonna go upstairs!" Tyler said grabbing my hand leading me towards the stairs.

"Okay you two, have fun!"

"But not too much fun." His father added jokingly.

"Sorry bout that... My parents are very embarrassing!" He muttered as we got into his bedroom.

"Don't be sorry! Your family is the best!" I cheered.

"They really aren't!" He laughed.

I checked my watch to see that it was 7:45.

"I should head home soon hey?" I sighed heavily.

"No! Stay the night!!" He whined.

"Tyler, i don't wanna annoy your mother."

"You won't annoy her! stay!!" He begged.

"Ty, I don't think so. I'm sorry."

"Nope! Too bad! Your staying.... You have to stay!"

I sighed,

"Okay, fine dad!" I joked.

"dy." He added.

"What? What do you mean dy?"

"You forgot that part." He laughed winking at me awkwardly.

"What the hell are you talking ab-" I stopped realizing he meant daddy. "Ohhhh!" I giggled.

He winked.

"Alright daddy!" I joked.

"Dang.... I could get used to that." He winked.

"I'm not calling you daddy you kinky little weirdo!" I giggled.

"Whaaaa?" He frowned. "C'mon!"

His frown was absolutely adorable. I personally thought it was kind of hot how it turned him on when I called him daddy.

"Nope!" I said popping the 'P'.

"How rude." He winked. "Call your parents tell them your staying."

"Yes sir!" I said taking my phone out of my pocket.

"Damn! Sir is good too!!"

"Your soooo messed up!" I laughed. "I like it!!"

He is too fricken cute. Damn.

"Moooooooooom!" Tyler bellowed running to the top of the stairs. "Y/N is sleeping overrr!"

He may be a goofball..... But he is my goofball! Without him I'm absolutely lost.

Tyler Joseph X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن