School Is Hell

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Y/N's POV:

6:54 AM

I woke up to my mother yelling at me from the bottom of the stairs. I must've forgot to set my alarm when I got home last night. 

"Y/N!! Wake up!! Your gonna be late!" My mother bellowed from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yep! I'm awake ma!" I yelled back.

I did my daily morning routine and then went off to school.

I arrived at the school and seen Tyler standing by the school door. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. For some reason I missed him more than usual. I felt as if I haven't held him in my arms in months.

"Goodmorning, cutie!" He cheered as he lifted me off my feet and span my around.

"Goodmorning my handsome bean!" I said kissing his cheek. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too.... Even though it's been less than 24 hours since we seen eachother last!" He giggled. "I always miss you tho! Your you! who wouldn't miss you?"

What he had said caused me to blush a tad which made him smile.

"Wow." He grinned. "I'm such a lucky guy!"

"I'm a lucky girl!!"

"Shall we head to class m'lady!?" He asked holding out his arm for me to grab onto.

"We shall!" I winked linking my arm with his and laying my head on his shoulder as we walked.

In the middle of the hall I seen the jock who kissed me.

"Hey there, sexy!" He winked causing Tyler to stop dead in his tracks.

"I'm sorry.... This is MY girlfriend.... You can back off now." He said firmly.

"Yea.... Not for long.... Why would a girl like her wanna stay with a guy like you? I just don't see it working out, bud." He laughed like an asswhole as his douchebag friends laughed like dipshits behind him.

This pissed me off!

"You decide who I go out with? Tyler is my boyfriend and I love him! It will workout so you can shut your fat face now!" I snapped as a let go of Tyler hand to cross my arms.

"Damn baby! You've got some attitude. I like it." He said as he got closer and closer to me and before I knew it had his face an inch away from mine with both hands on my ass.

"Hey, back off, buddie!" Tyler barked pushing him away from me.

"Really what are you gonna do about it?" He said firmly.

"Ty, ignore him! Let's just go!" I interrupted.

"Haha. Ima steal your girl. A sexy girl like that.... Deserves to be with someone who isn't an ugly piece of shit like you." He laughed walking away.

"Fuck you! This is my girl and you don't talk about her like that!" Tyler yelled which made him turn around.

I could tell Tyler was mad. He NEVER swore unless he was really mad! He didn't like using foul language.

"You think your so tough." He yelled. "I'm gonna beat your weak ass."

And before I knew it he threw a punch at Tyler causing him to slightly wince in pain.

"One more time." Tyler mumbled waving his fingers towards himself.

Once again this douchebag punched my boy in the face causing him to slightly groan in pain.

"Stop!" I yelled.

"Screw you!" Tyler yelled as he began throwing multiple punches.

Before I knew it the jock was on the ground with a bloody nose!

"Tyler stop! Your hurting him!" I yelled pulling Tyler off of him. Tyler looked pissed. He had tears down his cheeks, but he wasn't sad. He was angry. I know that Ty would sometimes cry when he was angry as well. He was extra hot when he was angry.

"Don't you EVER, come near my girl again!" He yelled at him as I pulled him away.

Before we got to class Tyler had to use the bathroom so I decided to wait for him outside of the guys bathroom.

All of a sudden I seen Kayla and her bitch squad slowly walk by me as Tyler walked out of the washroom.

"Slut!" Kayla coughed as her ugly little pets giggled.

"Excuse me!?" Tyler yelled. "If you were talking to Y/N you best be joking."

"Hey, Ty." She winked.

This made me really fucking angry. She was just doing this to piss me off which was working.

"Screw off! Leave my girl alone and never talk to her nor me again or I promise you'll regret it." He yelled startling her a bit.
He grabbed my hand tightly and began to walk towards our class.

"Dumb bitch." I coughed as I walked past her.

Man I love Tyler. Without him both of these situations would have ended much worse than they did. I'm so thankful for him. He is so amazing, supportive and helpful.

When we arrived to class me and him both sat next to eachother in the far back. Halfway through class a small piece of crumpled up paper appeared on top of my sheet.

I look beside me to see Tyler smiling waiting for me open it.
Was this child really passing notes to me? What a goofball.

"Hey cute stuff. You look really hot today ;) I was thinking maybe after school me and you could go for a walk... Maybe grab a bite to eat? 
                Yes?   Or   No?
   Please Circle one.
                                      Love, Tyler"

What a child! A smile crept onto my cheeks as I circled yes. He is such a cutie. I passed the note back to him and watched as he read it and a big goofy smile appeared on his face.

"Cool, it's a date ;)"

He replied as I nodded.

"Yep, it's a date."


Hello! I know these chapters have been short lately I'm sorry. I'm gonna try to give you like ten chapters today to make y'all happy.... I really feel like you guys aren't enjoying it as much and if you aren't you can tell me.... I always love to hear your feedback, good or bad. Thanks again for 2K reads that is kinda insane. Love you guys lots. XOXO

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