3 - Midnight Snacks

Start from the beginning

The blonde got to the kitchen and pulled out a cake she had made with Aria earlier that day. Emily followed close behind as Alison closed the fridge.

"You want some, Em?" Alison asked in faux-innocence. Emily shook her head softly and looked away before leaning over the counter. "Your loss, hon," the blonde grinned to herself as a mischievous idea came to her mind.

She used her index finger to dip it on top of the cake and whipped a fair amount of frosting off of it. Alison made sure Emily was watching, and she was.

Alison slowly licked some of the frosting from her finger with the tip of her tongue, while maintaining eye contact with the brunette. The sweet taste filled her mouth and she couldn't help but think how much sweeter Emily's lips must be.

Emily was in complete shock as to what she had just witnessed. The hottest girl she'd ever met, who was, inconveniently, her best friend, just made an extremely sexual move while making sure the brunette was watching. Emily was speechless, she didn't know what Alison was doing. Sure, Alison was a naturally flirty person, but she had never done anything like this when she was with the other girls.

'What does this mean? Does it even mean anything?' she couldn't help but question herself.

Emily noticed Alison staring at her with her head tilted, wearing that infamous DiLaurentis smirk. The brunette finally closed her mouth, realizing her jaw was probably almost touching the floor. She knew Alison had a huge effect on her, and the blonde knew it, too. Now, more than ever, Emily comprehended that it was easy to spot her obvious feelings for the girl.

After a few seconds, Alison continued with her act as she slid the finger into her mouth and closed her eyes while she twirled her tongue around it. When she finally cleaned all of the remainings of the frosting from her finger, she opened her eyes to a very astonished Emily. She slipped her finger out slowly with a pop and licked her lips.

"Mmm... It's so good. You should really try it, Em."

Without warning, Alison dipped her finger once more and easily slipped it into Emily's agape mouth. Emily gasped at the contact but quickly closed her mouth around Alison's finger as the blonde drew her finger back slowly. Alison bit her lip in naughtiness until the finger was clean and out of Emily's mouth.

The brunette looked away quickly. "Ali, what are you doing?" Emily asked as she let out a nervous laugh. Alison leaned her forearms on the counter that Emily was leaned against as well and inched herself closer to the brunette.

Emily dared to raise her eyes and look into the familiar blue ones, and found the blonde already focused on her with the edges of her lips tilting upwards.

"See, told you it was good," Alison smiled and her dimples popped. The twinkle in the blonde's eyes quickly faded and was replaced by longing as she picked up on how physically close she and her mermaid really were.

Emily didn't recognize the look in Alison's eyes, couldn't read her expression. Suddenly, her thoughts and worries disappeared as Alison came even closer. They were so close that Emily could feel the blonde's breathing on her lips. The familiar and intoxicating aroma of Alison's perfume invaded Emily's nostrils and she focused on the fact that the blonde smelled like strawberries and vanilla.

"Em, I have to tell you something," Alison couldn't help but blurt out, because this was the closest she had ever been to fulfilling her desires, and this was her chance. All fears be dammed, she wouldn't miss it for the world. "The person that I told you about when we watched the movie," Alison continued and leaned in even more. "It's you, Em." she whispered finally against Emily's lips.

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