Right now, he felt as if he was exposed. Like eyes were watching his every move as he makes his way down a family street into the town's main center.* His eyes flickered from car to car, and person to person, but no one was really paying attention to him.

So why did he feel as if he was being stalked?

Somewhere along the crowd Dan caught sight of bright blue eyes staring right at him, and he almost tripped as he stopped dead in his tracks, but then a car drove in front of him blocking his view. When it disappeared, so did the familiar blue eyes from earlier today, and Dan shook his head. Most likely imagined it.

The drug store was slow. Classic rock played throughout the establishment, and the old bell jingles as Dan enters. Ricky immediately looks up from his phone while he sat at the counter, and smiles at Dan.

"Aw, Danny boy, how nice to see you," he teases, "Church treat you well?"

Dan rolled his eyes, "You know my kind is not very welcome there."

Ricky grinned, "As my kind is not welcome among the KKK."

Dan laughed, "Shut up."

Ricky was Dan's best friend since first grade. He was a black guy, and a bit taller than Dan at six two. He had perfect teeth, and was funny, good at sports, and straight. Dan had always been very popular when they were in high school, but he personally felt as if he'd never be as cool as Ricky.

"Hey, my racist jokes are funny," Ricky pouted playfully.

"Honestly, I could deal without being called British cracker," Dan joked.

Ricky laughed, "Don't play like you don't like the pet name."

Dan smiled, but rolled his eyes. How he did like when Ricky called him new nicknames.
Dan had liked Ricky since forever. Everything about him was perfect, and Dan was jealous, but mostly because he was so goddamn in love with him. Though, he really couldn't admit that to anyone, and it was easier to sleep around and forget than to except how he feels.

Ricky wasn't gay like Dan. He liked girls, and was very open about that fact. Though he tried his best not to talk about girls with Dan because it wasn't like Dan found any attraction to them at all.

Ricky was probably the best person this world had to offer in Dan's opinion.

"Dan? Are you still here?" Ricky asked waving his hand in Dan's face. Dan shook his head as he came back to reality, and blushed a little as he realized he'd been staring.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine," he reassured.

"Too caught up in my good looks?"

"I swear to god Ricky if you don't shut up," Dan warned as he fought his smile.

"You sure you want to swear to him?"

"I will not hesitate to stab you."

"Now, that's not very Godly of you either, is it? You must've learned nothing in that church!"

"I learned that if the pastor was anymore of a dick I might've been interested," Dan says.

At that moment an older lady walks in with a young child, and smiles at the two boys leading her kid to the back. Dan and Ricky watch her go before continuing their conversation.

Ricky grunts, "If she would have heard you say that I would have died."

Dan nods, "Almost sad she didn't."

Ricky smirks, "Yeah right, you couldn't live without me. I bet the whole reason you're here is because you need a ride, huh?"

Dan sighs, "Yep. I need a ride home, or at least to Henderson's."

Ricky furrows his eyebrows, "Why would you need a ride to the bar?"

Dan smiles, "I'm feeling lonely."

Ricky shakes his head with a visible grin, "Okay fine, I understand, but you do realize that it's 11 am, and I don't get off until 7, right? It would make more sense to just call someone else."

Dan shrugs, "I can wait." To be honest he didn't want anyone else to take him for whatever reason, and it was way to early to go anyway. He would rather just chill behind the counter with Ricky, and talk.

"Okay," Ricky said, "But don't you dare try to steal any malteasers today, or I swear I'll turn you into the police this time."

Dan laughed, and swiped some off the front shelf, opening the bag and popping some into his mouth, "No, you won't."

Ricky sighed, and shook his head, "Stealing is a sin."


Making my way downtown
walking fast
Faces past
Go fuck yourself


Also, Dan is short in this fic. And by short I mean six feet tall, but still.

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