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*Unedited* I promised myself I would stick to one POV for this story and well... I guess I lied

To say that Jazz was not a worrisome creature would be a blatant lie.

Though, that was not to say that her constant worry was without reason. She had grown up in a place where if you weren't worried, you were dead. Even in her current position, she constantly had to watch her back for any signs of trouble. So, despite knowing that Kayden and Jett were out on what Jinx liked to call their 'date,' she couldn't stop herself from obsessively checking her phone for both the time and for any missed calls. She was excited for her friend, she hadn't seen Jett truly happy in a long time and Kayden seemed to, in the very least, elevate her mood. It just made it hard to be as happy for her when the drug lord they were supposed to kill had a personal vendetta against her.

Jett, it seemed, had decided to bypass the ear piece she had said she'd wear and so that meant if something went wrong, they'd probably be the last to know. Hell, if it was up to Jett, Jazz wouldn't find out unless the other girl ended up in a coffin. Which was not something she liked to think about.

"Hey mum," Naziah interrupted her thoughts teasingly as she put her hand out to stop Jazz from checking her phone for what had to be the thousandth time. "You need to chill, Jett's a big girl, she'll come home before curfew."

"She doesn't have a curfew," Jazz couldn't stop the words from tumbling out of her mouth, knowing she was playing right into Naziah's hand. Jazz was normally the one who put up the flirty and teasing front but if there was anyone who did it better, it was her sister. Perhaps because, with Naziah, it wasn't a front at all. She was legitimately unfazed by whatever was thrown at her making her able to find the humour in anything.

As expected, her twin gave an impish grin "then I'm sure that, at the very least, she'll wear protection."

Jazz loved her sister, she really did. Not just because she was the only family Jazz had left but because Naziah, despite her seemingly aloof nature, had always been her rock. When things got rough she was there to whisper the words of the Lebanese lullaby their nanny used to sing for them before everything went to shit. Though, at times, she lacked the ability to empathise with Jazz's instinctively nervous energy. Meaning that sometimes Jazz just wanted to snap at her when she brushed off her fears as if she were just an overreacting child. She had good reason to worry. Especially when it came to Jett.

"Should I call her?"

"Jazmine," Naziah said semi-sternly, "if you call and interrupt her date I might just disown you."

And cue the irritation. "You were sent here for some added security, you know exactly what kind of a threat Rob poses to Jett. Aren't you even the slightest bit worried?" Jazz questioned, searching the identical face for any sign of emotion other than amusement. She always felt unnerved when she watched her twin closely, they shared the same features yet they expressed emotions differently. Naziah's features seemed better equipped to form soft, relaxed expressions where Jazz felt her own were always tinged with worry lines.

"Of course I'm worried, especially considering the personal nature of the whole Robert situation. I'm not an idiot." Naziah replied calmly before shrugging "but I also know that Jett is more than capable of taking care of herself. I've heard the stories that bounce around back at the academy. That girl is some sort of killing machine."

The statement caused Jazz to frown as she tried to stifle her bubbling anger. "Don't call her that."

Naziah didn't know Jett the same way that she did. No one at the school did. They just saw her as something to be both feared and worshipped. A girl, not even an adult, with an unbeatable kill streak and in high demand of every agency across the globe.

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