The Many Sisters of Misaka Mikoto

Start from the beginning

Ben started coughing. "Did you just say 10,000!?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind Ben. "Hello Misaka, says Misaka as she greets her sister."

Ben turned around to find three exact Misaka replicas with the same military goggles and blank stares looking at him.

Wha-what? Ben screamed in his head. What the heck is going on here?

"Hello Misaka, says Misaka as she returns the greeting from her sisters."

"Who is that boy? Asks Misaka curiously."

"Wait, says Misaka with a look of dawning on her face. Misaka has seen this boy on the News, he is Ben Tennyson."

"The boy who can turn into aliens? Misaka says with excitement. Could you sign my bag? Asks Misaka as she fumbles for a pen."

"Yes, says Misaka with much glee. Sign my bag too, says Misaka as she joins her sisters in crowding the bewildered boy on whom she has a secret crush."

Ben was suddenly surrounded by four Misakas who were taking turns to shove their book bags into Ben's chest along with pens.

"Let me get this straight." Ben said as his mind was steadily hovering between snapped and sane. "You guys are all Mikoto's sisters?"

The Misakas all looked at Ben with the glazed looks that now were accompanied by small smiles. (Apparently that was their 'excited face')

"Yes" they all said at once

"And there are around 10,000 of you?"


Okay, thought Ben as he signed all of the Misaka's book bags and handed them back. This is obviously a dream, so I'm just going to go with it....

"Okay Mikoto's sisters, I guess I'll just go now (and maybe eventually wake up and not eat those corn flakes before I go to bed anymore)."

But as Ben made to leave, one of the Misakas grabbed Ben's arm.

"Oh don't go yet please, says Misaka as she fauns over her secret crush and blushes furiously. We were just going to get some dinner. Would you like to join Misaka? Asks Misaka as she blushes even redder this time."

"Uh- um sorry I have!" Ben activated the Omnitrix and in a flash of green light, became a red manta ray like creature, with three toed feet, green eyes, a yellow mouth connected to yellow horns, and two black lighting bolt patterns going down his back.

"Major appointment! Gotta go!!" Said JetRay as he flew off into the sky.

JetRay glided above the Academy city Sky line feeling the breeze beneath his wing like skin flaps that was attached from his arms down to his long stinger tail.

"Apparently that still works in dreams," JetRay said with a sigh of relief.

JetRay flew around for a moment, sometimes checking to see if the bag of sports drinks was still in his right hand.

JetRay landed somewhere in the street next to a bathhouse. He suddenly saw a strange girl on the side of the street. She had long black hair and a short black dress. She wore a small pink jacket with a black broken heart design. She took one look at JetRay and instantly began to sniffle.

"WWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!" The girl cried as tears poured down her cheeks.

"Oh, darn!!" JetRay said. "Don't cry, look!"

In a flash of green light, JetRay returned into the form of Ben Tennyson. "Look, I'm an ordinary human see?"

"I-I'm not c-crying b-because you look scary." The girl sniffled.


"I-I'm crying because I, Heart Breaker-chan, am a-about to r-really hurt you." Sobbed Heart Breaker. "WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

As Heart Breaker let out that final cry, all the man hole covers in the entire area rocketed off in gigantic geysers of water. The water immediately formed themselves into giant fists and swung themselves at Ben. Ben ran from the giant water fists, but it was useless. As soon as the water fists slammed the side walk, a giant shockwave of water spread out from the area knocking Ben off his feet.

Ben got up soaking wet. "Awwww come on!!! I actually loved these jeans!!"

HeartBreaker closed in still sobbing as the two giant aqua fists did the same.

Another flash of green light later and Ben had changed into a giant levitating jelly fish with green eyes and blue and white lighting patterned skin. AmpFibian raised his tentacles and blasted some lightning at the girl who was blocked by the two giant water fists, leaving some steam erupting from the surface of the water. AmpFibian flew above Heart Breaker and blasted some lightning from overhead, but more water erupted from the man holes and formed a dome like shield over her head.

"Jeez." AmpFibian said as he levitated over 10 meters from Heart Breaker. "I'm meeting all kinds of crazy girls lately."

Heart Breaker took a deep breath as she prepared to let out another crying sob. But then bullets from an automatic gun flew at her and she was forced to use her water to block the bullets ( the water slowed the bullets down enough so they just fell to the ground when they came out the other end).

"Leave him alone! Misaka exclaims as she fights to protect the handsome boy on whom she has a crush." The Misaka clone who had begged Ben to have dinner with her earlier had her goggles on and was firing a high tech automatic gun at Heart Breaker.

Heart Breaker let out a huge cry and the water surrounded her in a huge twister and the water carried her through one of the man holes and was gone. AmpFibian looked at the Misaka sister who was now blushing furiously on her blank face.

"Now will you join Misaka for dinner? Misaka asks the boy on whom Misaka has a huge crush."

A Certain Powerful Omnitrix 2 ( とある パワ の Omnitrix 2)Where stories live. Discover now