Moving into the front room. Lisa said 'hi' to Harmony and Katrina. The girls looked like death warmed up.

Greeting Steven, she asked him about the latest incidents which had occurred to the family since their last visit.

Steven spoke, explaining what had happened to his wife's arm.

'So it's gotten worse?'

'Pretty much, yeah.'

'Well, we know someone who can probably help, Sam Mellor.'

'Who's he?' Fiona asked.

Chris leaned forward with his hands clapped together.

'He's a demonologist and one of the best. He's even appeared on several television shows and has written several books. At the moment, he has his own podcast show.'

'So, we might be; getting someone famous to help us?'

Lisa smiled. 'It looks that way.'

'And how is everyone sleeping?' Chris asked.

'Well, as can be expected. The demons, spirits, call them whatever you like. They always come out at night, always at...'

'Nine, the physic hours. It's quite common.' Chris said.

'I know; I looked it up on the internet.'

Chris nodded and then looked at his watch.

'It's what most people would do if they had to cope with the problem you and your family are going through.'

Lisa came into the conversation, asking the girls how they were coping?

'Okay, I guess.' Was the reply.

'Well, you're doing a great job.'

Fiona noticed as Lisa spoke to her children; she was a natural with the kids. And for a moment, she turned her attention away from the problems in her home and asked Lisa if she had any children of her own.

'I used to babysit quite a lot in my teens, relatives, family friends,' Lisa said, 'But no kids, not at my age.'

'How old are you?'

'I'm twenty-two.'

'God, you make me so old.'

From the ceiling, three booming sounds broke the conversation. Everyone looked up.

The thumping came again, a six in total.

'I think we're best seeing what we can find on those tapes, and the quicker we do that, the better.'

Everyone agreed.

The following day, Chris and Lisa met with Sam Mellor to go through the audiotapes.

Clicking the play button, all three listen.

Fiona's voice: 'Leaving the house and in a few seconds will close the front door.'

A few seconds later, the front door is heard being slammed shut, and for the next few hours, there is nothing on the tapes; until.

At first, it was nothing, but a slightly fuzzy sound, as though someone was tuning a radio station. Gradually, it became clearer.

'What is that, an aircraft?' Lisa asked.

'Sounds like one; turn it up.' Sam said.

Chris did, and now in the background, people were screaming, flames - cackling.

'Snrub erif sih, dog etah ew.'

'Did you hear that?' Chris asked, stopping the tape.

Lisa and Sam did, but it was just syllable nonsense.

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