I was done eatin. I got up an went to the kitchen. I rinsed off my plait, an dryed my hands. I turned around finna walk out but a I bumped into somebody. I looked up an it was Ty. He smirked.

Jas: My bad Ty.

Ty:*😏* No problem ma, I said walkin around her.

I walked back in there, an sat down. I looked at Rozay an Emria again.

Ance: Jas come here, he said gettin up, goin outside.

I followed him.

Ance: Let's walk an talk, I said wrapping my arms around her.

I nodded an started walking wit him.

Jas: So what ya want.

Ance: Just ta know a few thangs.

Jas: ight. An they are??

Ance: How has he been treating you.

Jas: Like a princess😇.

Ance:*giggles* Ok. Do y'all know what y'all doin on y'all birthday?

Jas: Nah he says it's up to me. Prolly just kick back, have a lil mini party with family an friends.

Ance:*noddes* Speakin of family an friends. Does mom an dad know.

Jas:*not my mom an dad I said in my head* Nope, I said with a straight face.

Ance: An why not. They are mom an dad.

Jas: They your mom an dad. Not mine. I wish I knew my real parents. Don't even know why they adopted me😒💯.

Ance: They did, because they told me to pick out a baby sister. So I choosed you💯.

I nodded my head smiling😊. Then it went away.

Jas: Glad you love me, but they don't. They treat me like i'm an unknown person💯. So there for, they will find out when they come down here for my birthday, I said crossing my arms.

He just looked at me.

Ance: Bout that. They said....they didn't wanna come no more.

I stopped in my tracks, an threw my hands in the air. I spead walked back to the house, cause I got emotional. Chance called after me, but I didn't care. Everyone in the house looked at me. I ran up the stairs, an into Aug room. I silently cried😣😢.

Chance pov

I standed back outside for a while, then went back inside. Everyone was silent. I sat down an put my head in my hands. I seriously don't know why my mom an dad hate her so much. If they new they wasn't gone like her, why they adopt her, an why they ask me to pick out a little sister😑💯. But I love her. I treat her like she is my real sister. That's why i'm so over protective over her. When she would cry, an my mom an dad didn't do nun bout it I did. I would feed her, change her pamper, all that.

I shook my head sittin up, with my arms crossed over my chest, bitin the side of my mouth. August then go up, an was finna go upstairs.

Ance: I got it bro, I said gettin up.

Aug: Ight, I said siting back down.

I got up goin upstairs. The first room up there, she was in. She was starrin up at the wall, with her hands resting on her stomach. I then walked in. She saw me walk in from the corner of her eye, but just kept lookin up. She had dryed up tear stains on her face. That's another thing I hate. Seeing my little sister cry😣💯.

I sat on the bed lookin at her. You could tell she was thinkin bout somthing, an hard. It looked like something was bothering her. But the only thing I know that could be bothering her is, the mom and dad situation. Never know till ya ask.

Ance: Is there something els bothering you besides that situation?

Jas: Nope, she said plainly.

I nodded. Then she rolled over, an put the covers on her. But she was facing me. I smiled at her big brown glossy eyes.

Jas: I goin to bed. I tired. Night night, she said closing her eyes.

That was another thing I liked bout her. She always acted like a baby, no matter how old she is. I got her like that💯. I used to always spoil her. Bought her what every she wanted💯😊. I was more of a dad to her, than my dad was💯. I'll be a great parent one day. Just like Jas👌. I know she can handle it. He loves babies. Ion know why I got mad but.....it's a brother thing😂💯. I kissed her cheek, then left.

I walked back downstairs, an grabbed my car keys.

Ance: Ight y'all i'm out. Take car of her.

They all nodded then I left. I got in my car, started it up, then spead off back home.

Jasmine pov

I was layin there with my eyes closed. Before Chance walked in, I was thinking about....what's going to happen when I leave. I know August gone be very upset, an goin crazy. But they will find out after a while, cause I already know Emria an Rozay gone end up sayin sum.

My eyes got heavy. I closed my eyes, as somebody wrapped their arms around me. I turned around an snuggled into Aug chest.

Aug: Ya ok.

I nodded my head.

Aug:*smiles* I love you, I said kissing her head.

Jas: I love you to.

After that, I was out😴.


Jas made everybody breakfeast.

Chance came over.

Chance and Jas funny😂.

Chance mom an dad really isn't Jas mom an dad.

Jas Adopted.

What y'all think gone happen when Jas gone.

Stay tuned

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