Chapter 14:

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Kay inna MM

Cammie pov

Instead of me just havin Kim over, I invited my friends Tahj, an Trell. These ma niggas. Right now, we was just eatin snacks in the game room.

Cam: I'm bored. Y'all wanna go to the park.

They all nodded.

Cam: Y'all better text somebody to meet y'all up there, cause I'm finna text Kayla, I said stickin my toung out.

Tahj: Gay ass, he said laughin.

Cam: But I still get more then you hoe.


Cam: Ight let me go tell me mom we leavin.

I ran upstairs to their room. My mom was sleep, but my dad wasn't☺.

Cam: Daddy we'll be back. We finna go to the park, I said smiling as him😊.

Aug:*😏* Ight babeh gurl.

I then ran back downstairs.

Cam: Ight y'all lets go.

We all then walked out the house.

3 min later

We arrived at the park. I sat under the pavillian waitin on Kayla. Everybody else went to different spots in the park. As I was lookin down at my phone, I felt lips on my neck. I smirked because I already knew it was Kayla.

She came infront of me smiling. I smiled back, as she gave me a kiss. Lemme give y'all some info bout Kay.

Ive been with Kay for 7 months now. She had....cheated on me wit a nigga named RJ. I was mad as fuck. I only took her back because I like her alot💯. But if she do it again✌. Sometimes if I just look at her, that memory just comes back. Lokey I think she she like boys more than girls. But it's what ever.Kim dosen't like Kay😅. But Kim just be nice to her for me.

Cam: Hay baby, I said bringing her into my imbrace😊.

Kay: So how you been boo, she said puting her head on Cam shoulder.

Cam: Good, enjoyin the new fam.

Kay: That's good, she said startin to look around.

Everytime he does that, that means she bout to say some shit ion like😩.

Cam:*smacks lips* Just say it.

Kay:*signs* Me an....Rj are gettin back together.

I shooked ma head lookin down. Then anger just took over.

Cam: you know what, don't come back to me when that bitch ass nigga cheat on you again. You slow as fuck. At least it could've been a different nigga, but its what ever. He can have yo dumb ass. Tired of yo ass anyways mane. I reallly liked you *giggles shakin head* but you just a worthless bitch, I said shakin my head.

At that point Tahj,Kim, an Trell was over by me.

Kim: What happened😑.

Cam: She leavin me for that bitch as nigga again.

When I looked up, Kim cocked her fist back an punched Kay right in her face. I thought it was funny😅. But I could really care less. Kay just looked at me.

Kay: So you gone let her hit me like that.

Cam:1 you ain't ma girl no mo, an shut the fuck up before I hit yo ass😑. You dismissed now. Come on y'all.

We all started walkin back to the house. Ive been thing lately....if I should try boys. But the thing is that, all the boys at my school are all basically hoes💯. If I dated a nigga, I would want him to be loyal as fuck like me. Not with that cheatin shit at all✌💯.

We arrived at my house. When we got inside, I plooped down on the couch signing. But the thought of me datin a boy was still in my mind. Like what will it feel like if we kissed, what it would it feel like if we hugged. I smiled as I got chills down my spine😊. I looked up an Kim was lookin at me like this "😑". Swear she knows when I'm thinkin or anything.

I got up an motioned for her to follow me. When we got in the kitchen, I sat on the counter smiling down at her.

Kim: Hoe why you smilin like that, she said smirkin at me.

Cam: Cause...I been thinkin bout a few thangs😆.

Kim: Like....

Cam: ........Me dating.....a boy😀.

Kim:*eyes get big* Forreal😄.

I nodded at her.

Kim: But what nigga?

Cam: I don't know, cause every nigga at are school a hoe. So imma just wait for a new nigga to come to are school.

Kim: Heard that sus. But see you tomorrow, my dad here to pick us up. Text me.

Cam: Ight. Bye y'all, I said closin the door after they left.

I turned around signing. I then went to my mom an dad room. They was both up. I sat in a chair, an just looked at them smiling.

Aug: What mama, I said smilin at her.

Cam: Non. Just chillin.

Jas: Mmhh, but get ready fa bed boo. I'm droppin you off inna moring ight.

Cam: K (kisses their cheeks) goodnight.

Jas&Aug: Goodnight, they said smiling.

I went to my room an grabbed my pj's. I then got in the shower.

15 min later

I got out, dryed off, then went back to my room. I got what I was going to wear, then got in bed. I then started to slowly dose off. Ops, forgot to text Kim. She'll be ight😆.

Cam went off on Kay.

Kim punched Kay.

Cam think bout datin a boy.

Cam gave them goodnite kisses.

Stay tuned

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