“That doesn’t explain why she was, was n-naked on your lap and your pants were on the g-ground.” I whisper, trying to conceal my pain as best I could. I sense him taking a step closer to me, and stiffen, thus halting his advance.

“I wasn’t paying her any attention. I was trying to get her to leave but she accidentally spilled hot chocolate on me and was trying to clean up. She got sneaky and whipped my pants off in her attempts to help me clean up. I got flustered and angry and dismissed her help, but she was persistent and stripped off her coat. I had no idea she was naked or that she was out to get me into bed. Honestly I didn’t. Then I smelled your scent and got so excited, but then I saw the hurt look on your face and my heart broke.” He paused again. I could hear the pain in his voice and finally turned to look at him. “I never wanted to hurt you Camille.” He hesitantly steps forward again, and this time I let him. “I commanded her to never step foot in the house again unless summoned, and made it very clear whatever we had before is over.” He tries assuring me. I sniff trying to maintain control of my emotions. My eyes snap to his at the feel of his knuckles brushing my cheek. I hadn’t realized I’d let a tear escape. “Please don’t cry kitten.” I suppress a smile at his nickname for me, and wipe at my eyes.

“I don’t mean to, but it’s just so painful. I keep seeing the two of you together, and it hurts.” I whimper. I hate being weak in front of him but my chest aches. I need the reassurance that I’m his one and only.

“I know it does, and I will do whatever it takes to make you not hurt anymore.” He promises, bringing my head in-between his big hands. “Look at me kitten.” I give him my full attention, allowing him to witness all the pain in my eyes. “Whatever you want and need, you got it. I’m right here and from now on, I’m all yours ok?” I nod in understanding. I’m still hurting and upset. I know it will take a while for me to completely trust him again, but I can tell that he’s hurting too. I hope that we will be ok, and get through this though.

“Ok Austin. I know you’re sorry. Lets just be done talking about it for right now ok?” he opens his mouth to say something but I hold a hand up to stop him, “I’ve had enough for today. I’m exhausted after the trip up here and just want to go to bed ok?” he snaps his mouth shut and nods in agreement.

“Ok Kitten let’s get you to bed. I’ll walk you to your room.” We start to head back towards the house hand in hand. “What made you change your mind and come down here?” he asks.

“Oh, it’s a long story, I’ll tell you later. Just Jamie and I decided to come down. I hope you don’t mind.” I look up at him in question.

“Of course I don’t mind, you’re my mate Camille. This is your pack too you know. Besides any friends of yours are friends of mine and are welcome here for as long as they want.”

“Thank you.” I whisper, as we reach the porch door and come to a stop.

“No need to thank me.” He shrugs.

“Still, it means a lot.” I reach up on my tiptoes and peck him on the cheek. He shivers and I giggle before making my way inside. “Good night Austin!” I call over my shoulder.

“I don’t know where you think your going kitten, our bedroom is this way.” I spin around to face my mischievous mate, who’s grinning from ear to ear and pointing down the hall. As tempting as snuggling up to him sounds, I need some time to myself, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun. I stalk over to him and trail a hand up his chest.

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