I text Dylan.
Im on my way :).


"Ok text me when you want me to pick you up" Demi smiled.

I leaned in and gave her a hug "Ok I will" I smiled.

"Have fun at the studio" I said as I got of the car.

"You too" She replied. I shut the door and gave her a wave. She then drove off.


I got inside the arcade and Dylan was in the usual spot. We've met up twice in the last 2 weeks but we text non stop.

"Hey" I smiled as I reached him.

"Hey" He stood up and gave me a hug.  He smells so good.

We sat down in the karts and talked for awhile.

"So I leave tomorrow" I said looking down at my shoes.

"I know" He replied he looked sad.

"But I should be back around febuary" I placed my hand on his trying to reasure him. Dylan and I got on so well and I really liked him and the good part is I think he like's me back. "we can talk and text on the phone" I smiled.

"Yeah but it's not the same, I don't get to see you" He said. I could feel myself blushing.

He moved one hand up to my face and wiped a strand away from my face. Typical guy move. I knew what was coming next so I wet my lips and just as I did he leaned in. I met him half way.

We were getting into the kiss and then I heard it.

"Elena?" Demi's voice echoed.


Demis POV

I got out of the studio early and text Elena to ask if she wanted me to come pick her up seeing as I had the time but she didn't reply. After about 5 texts I began to get worried so I got in my car.


I pulled up outside the arcade and headed in.

I looked around for a while and then I found her. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Elena?" I asked. I needed to be sure it was her because her back was turned to me.

"Shit" She whispered under her breath but I still heard her. It's definatly her.

She turned around to face me.

"Dylan, this is my sisters friend Demi" she's a good lier.

"Hi" I gave him a litte wave. "Elena your sister  isnt finished work for awhile and asked me to come pick you up. She sent a lot of texts but got no reply and I can see why" I laughed. She was going red and I could tell she was embarrassed.

"I'll wait for you in the car" I gave her a cheeky wink and headed back out to the car.


Elenas POV

"I am so sorry about that" I apologised.

"It's ok" He laughed "How do you know Demi Lovato?" he was so excited.

"I-um-well, My sister and Demi have been friends since they were little" I lied. "Look Dylan I really got to go, I'm sorry"

I stood up and so did Dylan. I gave him a really tight hug and just as I was about to pull away he pulled me in and our lips connected again. We just stood there kissing. My hands around his neck and his around my waist.

I pulled away and smiled "I gotta go"

"I know, I'll see you soon" He hugged me and I left.


I got to the car and braced myself for whatever was gonna come my way once I got in.

"So are you gonna get in" Demi said from inside.

I opened the door and climbed in.

"So I see why you like the arcade" Demi giggled.

"Are you mad?" I asked kinda scared of the answer.

"Mad? Elena why would I be mad?" She looked at me confused.

"I don't know?" I honestly didn't know why I was so scared.

"Elena sweetie, You're almost 16 years old. It's ok to have a boyfriend" She smiled taking my hand.

"So you're not mad?" I asked.

"No" She laughed "Come here" She pulled me in for a hug.

"And he's not my boyfriend" I corrected her.

"You mean that was your first-. Aww Elena that is so cute" She began clapping her hands and squeeling she was so excited for me.

"Shut up" I playfully pushed her shoulder "now come on lets go home."

Demi Adopts (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now