Chapter 1 - Moody mornings and purple pens

Start from the beginning

The past hour was so much for me to absorb. Like I got my favourite band's poster, what could one ask for more. And then my favourite gadget. It's like god being extremely happy on me. But mum's words left me itching to see what the "something else" was. I frantically ran to my room and start seeing my study table.
"Nopes, nothing new here" I said to myself. Then, I went to my wardrobe. I searched whole thing but couldn't find anything. I was about to give up, when I saw a purple ribbon coming out of my drawer. I opened it and saw a purple diary tied with purple ribbon and a note lying with it. I opened and read it...

Dear Princy,
Hello my love. I wanted you to know that I wish you all the luck for your future and I know after I go, you'll need a companion who will be there with you like I was. So here, I offer you a diary so that you can write whatever you want. Being a teenager comes with lots of difficulties and I want you to know that you can talk to me, through this. I know how much you love to write. Love you to moon, darling.
Yours loving,

A tear fell down my cheeks as I read that letter. My granny, who died recently, left me with this diary and I was numb as to what to express.
"I love you to the moon and back, granny. Thanks for this and this is best gift I got today", I slowly spoke while looking at Sky. My grandmother and I were always extremely close, she was a wonderful woman. Her death was unexpected and affected the who family.

I ran down and saw everyone was in dining room.
"Mum!" I whisper-yelled.
"Coming sweetie" she said.
I took her to kitchen and asked "How did you get this diary?"
She looked at diary and said "Oh! You found it. Remember after your granny's cremation we went to her house...." She said while I nodded, remembering that day. I was crying non-stop because the only close person I had in my life had died. I was so sad that day. It was as if God had snatched my favourite belonging from me.
"...when I searched her study, I found this, and written on top was: FOR PRINCY. I quietly took it and thought to give it on your birthday because you were not in your best form that day", she finished and I hugged her and thanked her. "This is the best gift. All thanks to you".
She smiled and then took cake out and called out "Come on everyone! Birthday breakfast!"

We spent the rest of the day doing all the things people do on someone's birthday. We went bowling, we ate cake, had a movie marathon...

At the end of our second movie, I smiled, while wiping my happy tears and said, "Truly awesome day. Thank you God and thanks Granny....."

After an eventful day, I went to bed but didn't succeed in sleeping. Might the day was too much with me. So I decided to start my tradition which I left some months ago. Everybody says that they write a diary, but let's face it, nobody has either the time, nor the patience to write out their day, every single day. Alas. I stood up and picked my purple diary. Immediately, it felt different to just writing a normal diary, and so I started, and the words seemed to fly right out of me.

"Dear granny, I missed you so much since you left me and wanted to share all secrets with you but couldn't do so. Thank you so much for this diary, it was the best present any girl could ever wish for. I'm sorry you could be here physically, but know that I'll never forget you." I thought.

I picked up the leather journal  and smelt it. Call me weird but I like smelling new books. The smell is unique and identifiable straight away, which I like.
I carefully put the diary on my bed and went to search for my glitter pens. "Aha! Here they are" I whispered as didn't wanted to wake my family up.

I flipped it open again and picked up purple pen. You must have noticed by now that purple is my favourite colour.

"Umm...what should be its name be?" According to BuzzFeed, a diary is supposed to be names.
"Well this is awkward. I can barely remember other people's names, little can I make one up!", I said while scratching  my head. All the names I have heard till now started revolving in my mind. "Ana... No, Mary....Nah, Silva... No, Olivia.... Not good! Ugh, it's so hard to pick a name." Then it hits me.
"This was given to me by my Granny, so obviously this ought to be in her name. So simple and I wasted so much time in this."

Beautifully, I wrote my name at top of first page and then wrote:  Dear Diana.

Then, cautiously turned the page and started writing my first diary entry....
"Amen! Let's start this."

Dear Diana,                                                                        13-02-2016

Hey! Welcome to my life. This is where I will be my true self and share whatever I have in me. To start off, let me introduce you to my life in brief. I'm Princy. A 15 year old, emotional wreck and a complicated life. I love music tand can't live a day without it. I have a younger brother and sister and they annoy me but also love me at same time. My mum is best cook and dad is my superman. I love my family a lot. I'm in my last year of high school this year and I'm so nervous because studies always frightened me. I'm very bad at relationships and frankly, I haven't actually had any until now. All my classmates mock me but I hardly care. Beforehand it used to bother me but if no one is interested in me then what I can I do, eh? I also wish that I had a caring boyfriend who loves me :( but not possible. My friends think I always daydream of celebs and all I could do is fangirling. But my friends don't  really know me. I feel as if I can't talk to them, and that they'd judge me. Do they even know my likes? Dislikes? Then who the hell are they to comment on me or to tease me. Cool down! Yeah..I'm very short tempered and need to relax. I'll admit that I have things to work on, because I'm not perfect. But I live myself, and that's most important.
Okay and coming to another aspect! The things which make me happy, MUSIC ❤️ and singers. If I start telling you things then 4 pages will be filled. Haha!!
And now I'm happy that I have a companion with me who will listen to me anytime. Yay!! I love you so much Diana but I figured out that it's too late and I need to sleep else I would be sleeping in tomorrow's lecture. And don't worry, it's just a start so you will discover me as we go. Good night and lots of love..
Princy xo



Hey peps! So this was my first chapter. Hope you all liked it and don't forget to vote and comment. I will be happy to hear your feedback about story and book, feel free to leave a comment or message me DM. I will surely reply to all. And excuse any errors as this is my first time. I promise this would become better day by day.
And this book will deal with problems which is faced by all teenagers out there and who else better understand us then ourselves. And guys remember that no ones opinion should matter your life. Only you should be the one who is responsible for it. Who are else to say anything.
What was her best gift according to you?What you think will happen next? Did you like the story till it's going on or shall I delete it? I'm a newbie and not so sure about my ideas. Spam me with your ideas and don't forget you will get a chapter dedication. Maybe the best comment will get a shoutout and follow back.Love you all bubbles and blossoms... And if anyone need a buddy to discuss music, I'm always here. I would love to share my likes. For this chapter, I listen WILD by Troye Sivan💜 and FREEDUN by M.I.A. Go here them and you will love them for sure. And if you like them thank me babes😏 haha! Jk . Sorry this author note is becoming bigger and bigger so I'm just going byeeeee....
Stay fit and happy 💟

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