three and a half years later

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alot as happened in the three and half years since they graduated rachel and sebastian are living in new york with their three and a half year old daughter isabella. sebastiansa mom lives in thr apartment across the hall from them. they all had lived together but rachel and sebastian decided to move into he apartment after it became available 10 months ago.

they had done as they planned they lived in ohio for a year until blaine graduated while both rachel and sebastiannfocused on their baby.

isabella maria smythe is a happy little girl she is a daddy's girls she has shoulder length brown hair which as a curl to it. she has her fathers eyes and s perfected the smythe grin. she is a very lively child she loves dancing and singing after all she is rachel berrys daughter.

maggie smythe is happy to be back in her native new york she is a very doting grandmother and has gotyon back intouch with a lot of her old friends as now as quite a social life. she had been on a few dates too though nothing serious.

blaine anderson smythe is at nyu studying medicine in hope of becoming a doctor blaine has had the biggest change as during the three years that has past he discovered he is bi sexual and is now dating the one and only kurt hummel they have been dating for almost a year now.

kurt hummel is at nyada about to start his fourth and final year he is happily in love and a very loving uncle to isabella despite her bern somewhat of a young female sebastian. he and blaine live with maggie.

and now

sebastian smythe has just completed his second year at nyu studying law he is a very hands on father and is well and truly wrapped round both isabella and rachel's fingers and he couldnt be happier.

rachel berry as just completed her seccond year at nyada and is about to take a year off studying as third year student are allowed to do. while the college allows them to take a year off inorder to travel and experience cultures to bring back knowlegde of different ways of life to their degree when they return. rachel however has no plans to travel you see towards the end of her first year at nyada rachel got the role of fanny brice in funny girl on broadway her dream role. she loved every minute of it but the fifteen. month long run left her tired after all she hwd a daughter to look after and them there was her college work.

rachel planned to take the year off as she felt guilty for not been abke to spend as much time as she wanted to with isabella before she started going to school full time she was at nursary three days aweek already. there is another reason for the year off too. since they moved to new york sebastian and blaine have become really close and sebastian wants isabella to have a brother of sister. rachel at first was adament that they should wait however with isabella been three and a half and her having a year off rachel had finally agreed five months ago to try for another baby and she is now four months pregnant she reckons sebastian as super hero sperm.  they school year ended yesterday so rachel is for now at least a stay at home  mom.


its saturday and rachel is in the kitchen making breakfast isabella is sat with sebastian at the table drawing together. rachel had discovered sebastian is quite a good artist and isabella loves colouring in pictures that he draws.

rachel carrying the rack of toast through to the dininy area tneir apartment is quite open planned.

" thank you" sebastian said as he took some toast and buttered it for isabella

" bella you can finish that later eat your breakfast" sebastian said he was the only one who could call her bella she wouldnt answer if anybody else called her that even rachel couldnt.

sebastian got up and made a another frsh batch of coffee  before returning wih a mug for rachel and one for himself.

" so isabella are your looking forward to this morning" rachel asked her daughter who was eating

" yes mommy" she said happily swinging her legs. they were taking her to her first ever ballet class and while she might look like her father she was rachels daughter when it came to performing she loved nothing more than standing on the coffee table and singing her heart out.


they set off down the street isabella holding both their hands skipping along the street in excitement.  once they reached the location of the class they went inside and rachel got isabella ready in her leotard and tutu and ballet slippers.  sebastian tuck a photo of his orincess looking like a true princess before she made her way to the very front of the class. rachel and sebastian shared a look after all its what both of them would have done. as the class got going and sebastian sat watching as isabella nailed the steps sebastian placing a hand on rachels growing bump while watching isabella.

on e the class was done they tuck isbella to central part and got her an ice cream for been so well behaved during the class it wasnt that she was a  naughty child she was just very stubborn and enegetic like her parents.

as isabella run round rachel and sebastian sat down on a bench to watch her they sat cuddled up until isabell came running over to distract them she didnt like seeing mommy and daddy kissing which happened alot as they really were very much in love and now with their second child on the eay they were very loved up.

"no"isabella said climbing on to sebastians knee

"bella daddy is allowed to kiss mommy"sebastian said as isabella placed her hand on rachels bump.

" baby"she said

"thats right welldone"rachel said leaning over to kiss her.

" see its okay for mommy to kiss you" sebastian said

" yes because she is my mummy i wouldnt let a boy kiss me" isabella said

" thats right i have taught you well" sebastian said

"come on then lets go see uncle blaine and uncle kurt" rachel said isabella jumped up she loved her uncles.

they made their way to the apartment building and headed up in he lift which was one thing isabella didnt like  why thet didnt know as she was still a baby when they moved in there. sebastian picked her up as the lift set off.

" mommy" isabella said and rachel held her hand as the lift reached their floor.


i hope you enjoyed this chaoter iw as stuck as to wether to end ths book or writs a sequel and in the end i decided to keep writing it but jump in time alittle.

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