Stop the tape and rewind

Comenzar desde el principio

Hazel comes in my room and sits on the edge of the bed. "Any luck?" She asks softly.

I wipe my tears. "No.. His phone is still switched off."

She doesn't say anything, just sits quietly. I don't think there is anything she can say to make me feel better. I feel like I'm in some sort of emotional loop; determined to hopeless to gloomy to numb.

I wake up with a sense of determination to talk to him but every time the automatic response is heard instead of his voice, I get hopeless and my energy starts to drain out. Then come the waves of gloominess as they hit me and I slowly start feeling numb.

Right now, I'm numb to everything.

"Haze?" I croak out. She looks at me and raises her eyebrows in question. I sigh softly and say, "Can you leave me alone for some time? I just wanna be on my own."

A sympathetic look flickers across her features as she nods and quietly goes out, closing the door behind her. I pull my knees up to my chest and tightly wrap my arms around them. Tears fall silently as I let myself feel numbly heartbroken.

I wake up due to loud banging on my door. "What?!" I groan, burying my face in the pillow.

"Savannah!" Hazel gasps. "You have got to see this."

The panic interlaced with shock in her voice is enough to make my heart rate accelerate. It's enough to make me feel certain that something bad has happened. I cautiously step out into the living room and the first thing I see is Harry's face on the TV.

For a moment, I feel an overwhelming sense of relief and happiness just looking at him. Even though it's only been three days since I last saw him but it seems like three years have past. It is not until I glance at the caption flashing below that I feel my stomach twisting into knots.

The end of Havannah?

I stay rooted in my position as a strikingly attractive girl appears and speaks, "Harry Styles is currently in Boston for his photoshoot while his girlfriend, Savannah Smith, has been spotted back in Torrance. Now this may not seem that much of an issue but a spokesperson of Harry has said that there is some sort of distress going on between the two. Whaaat?!"

A video footage starts playing in which Harry is seen leaving the hotel and escorted by security into the car, all the while a stern and tired expression is etched on his face.

"The stunning couple started dating six months ago and have been going strong ever since. It's like they're enveloped in a bubble of happiness and love because they're always smiling and affectionate towards each other and the people around them. While we haven't seen Savannah in these three days, people have taken note of how tired and sad Harry has been ever since he came to Boston. It might be due to the fact that he's so far away from the love of his life, or it also might be due to the circulating rumours and how true they are. What do you think, guys? Are these two still as close as ever or is the Havannah ship sinking already? Give us your feedback on You-"

The screen goes blank as Hazel switches off the TV. An eery silence engulfs the room and the only audible sound is the ticking of the clock, reminding me that the whole world is moving on while I'm stuck in one place.

I breathe slowly and softly, unable to move myself. The worst part is that I knew this would happen. It was obvious that these rumours would spread. There's only so much he could've done to make it seem like everything is fine, but he can't always fool the world.

We've fooled the world for far too long. Finally, finally, everyone will blame the girl and not him.

"Savannah?" Hazel snaps her fingers in front of my face and I blink quickly a couple of times, coming out of the trance I was in. "Call him. Now. It is imperative that you talk to him before things get out of hand or before he himself publishes a statement."

Lights. Camera. PDA. (HS // au)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora